Leveling: Best Places? Best Event grinds?
Grinding is horrible idea…
The point of this game is to explore, adventure, and discover new areas and events, Personal Storyline and so many contents to do and see.
Repeating same content of the same event chains wont help you level.
It will slow you down and become repetitive.
I recommend you to not grind, but to just play the game freely and discover new events and content the game has to offer. Do the things you like as you explore the world.
When you are not thinking of leveling, and you just have Fun playing, You’ll get far quicker than you know it.
Also if you are into PvPing, you can start that right away!
My advice: Play the game as if you’re playing Skyrim.
Dont play it as if you where playing a traditional mmo.
Also make friends, join a guild and play with your buddies.
Sure you can solo but it’s more fun playing with people.
After all, it’s a Masssive Multiple Player Online game!
If, however, you’re lvling your 8th alt exploring the world probably got old a few hundred hours ago. If so, yes, Harathi is one of the best exp grind, although I recommend hoping in wvw if your server has a good zerg going. The exp is just as good, but you’ll also have the chance to drop a couple lvl 80 exotics to sell/keep for when you hit 80. Dredgehaunt cliffs also have a lot of events close together down in the south part of the map, though it’s not as populated as harathi
Honestly I would have thought even if you were bored with exploring for it’s own sake it’d still be more interesting than grinding the same event chain over and over again. But then I love exploring and hate grinding.
If you really want to do it that way I would have thought the best place would be the champions in Queensdale. There’s usually a lot of people doing them and they cycle through pretty quickly.
But I agree with Dreamy Abaddon. Unless you have made loads of characters already and you just want to get a new profession to 80 ASAP you’re better off just not worrying about your level and doing what you find fun. There’s nothing you can do at 80 that you can’t do before then (well, there are some zones and one dungeon that you have to be level 80 to survive in, but no new game modes or anything) and when you are level 80 you can still go back and do everything you were doing before, so either way you won’t miss anything.
But it definitely seems to go faster when you’re not thinking about it and just playing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Travel to all the cities (via Lions Arch) and clear them (all Vistas, Waypoints and Points of Interest). That is worth about 10 levels (last I checked).
Then do the same for the connected starter areas. The most Experience to be had in open world zones are the Renowned Hearts, so find and complete all of them (needed to clear the zone), if you don’t want to fully complete the zones.
Crafting is also a leveling option, but I hate to even mention it.
I also do not understand why people want to rush to LVL 80 and skip the actual fun part of this game.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
If you want to level fast just explore the maps of your level, if you want to know what are those maps visit http://gw2cartographers.com/ completing hearts, discovering POI, vistas and revealing the map all give you very good experience and if you complete a map you will get a chest (this includes exploring the 5 main cities). Alternate this with your personal story, always have the story adjusted to your level.
If you join a guild you can run 2 dungeons at lvl 40: AC and CM, those will boost you xp aswell but problem is there aren’t many players out there willing to run the dungeons with people who aren’t lvl 80 (that’s why you should join a guild).
If you want to do events, try this site.
You will have to set it for your own server of course but it’s very useful to locate events.
Map completion, events, and story line give great XP. What I do is go to the starting areas outside of each city and work on map completion. Stop for any event and also to harvest. When you reach the level for your next story like, stop and go complete that. Then go back to map completion.
EAT FOOD! You can buy consumables from the trading post for very little (1-4 copper each) and they give XP bonuses. You can have a food and a utility both active at the same time. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nourishment
Crafting. As much as I hate doing it, it’s a great way to level. If you have a crafting booster (I think you can get them from story completion and black lion chests, someone please correct me here) and full stacks of crafting mats, you can level up pretty quickly. Make sure you have plenty of materials before you pop your booster.
When you finish your personal story (Arah) you get a booster bag that has all kinds of boosters in it, as well as a scroll that jumps another character 20 levels. You may want to pick one toon and complete the story line, get the goodies, then power level your next toon. Just an option.
This is a common topic, and some common responses are "just play the game" and "craft". While these can be great responses, they are more in line with "Google it" for what many people are asking.
"Just play the game" is nice and all, but not everyone wants to do PvE, and a level 3 in WvW is all of about useless. Crafting is very expensive (especially these days), and you can use your credit card, but plan to works a lot of burger flipping hours to do that.
I do not have a great answer to the question. I have two level 80’s and two level 30’s and I really only care to do WvW and sPvP, as to play PvE I would prefer Skyrim. I will say, I spend most of my leveling time trying to mix various chained events, some crafting from the money/loot I get doing that, and dungeons with friends when asked. There is no "power leveling" area or method like there was in Guild Wars 1. You just kinda have to grind it out or pay cash.
Harathi is a good farm, also consider Queensdale for levels 1-25 or so. Map completion can provide some quick levels here and there as well. Someone had stated to clear the major cities, and I would agree. Orr is a good place to try and work your way about as well. At some point, you will likely want to go there for various reasons and it’s much easier once you know your way about and have the waypoints and map open. Most classes are useful in WvW by at least level 30, so you could look into that as well.
Good luck in your leveling ventures.