Leveling help am I doing something wrong?
Could simply be you’re running into less dynamic events and relying fully on hearts & map completion to level. I had the same feeling when I was leveling my second sylvari and noticed it when I hit a familiar event.
Take a few detours for nearby events if you see them active. They’re good chunks of XP and usually done quick (with the exception of timed defense-type events).
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
Kill Everything! all those yellow ones probably have bonus experience on them – the longer they go unkilled the more bonus exp they have (up to 2 hours and I think double normal exp) so you can get up to 3x the exp from killing them, add your boosters onto the regular exp and you get even more (bonus exp doesn’t get boosted by consumables). Oh and some of them will respawn REALLY quickly, kill that one too, he’ll have bonus exp on him also cause he was in a spawn queue and should have normally been on the map but there were too many of him on that spawn point already!
Do as many dynamic events as you can, if it pops don’t skip it. Hit the world bosses if you’re in the zone when they come up and party up for it with some level 80’s so you get some loot.
Your story is always going to be a little ahead of you by the time you get there, you’ll have to wait or go with a friend or two if you want to do it early.
My most recent character I did an experiment leveling just through map
I used a level 20 scroll and then went to zone completion.
Level 34, Five 1-15 zones, 18%
Level 46, Four 15-25 zones, 30%
Level 50, Gendarran, 34%
Level 54, Lornar’s Pass, 39%
Level 57, Field’s of Ruin, 42%
Level 60, Harathi Hinterlands, 45%
Level 63, Blazeridge Steppes, 47%
Level 66, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, 51%
Level 69, Bloodtide Coast, 54%
Level 72, Iron Marches, 56%
Level 75, Timberline Falls, 59%
Level 78, Sparkfly Fen, 62%
Level 80, Fireheart Rise, 65% map completion
Mount Maelstrom, 69%
Straits of Devastation, 73%
Frostgorge Sound, 76%
Malchor’s Leep, 79%
Cursed Shore, 82%
6 Cities, 93%
WVW, 100%
Same here. 100% on Queensdale, and I’m lvl 13. I did 3 (?) personal story parts so far.
What I do is complete some of the other starter zones; at least I try and grab the easy skill points.