Leveling problems

Leveling problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MonsieurMurre.7051


Hi everybody,

I am currently leveling a level 18 engineer and around level 10 I discovered proffesions and crafting. But the problem is, my main quest is for level 23 now and the next ’’heart’’ is for level 21. People already recommended me pvp but I am just terrible at that. Are there any other options?

Leveling problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Firezzzz.1836


You could do the starter zones of the different classes, you will be scaled down but the xp is not bad and its more fun then farming events if you only play pve.

You can acces the starter zones from your races capitol city and taking the asura portal to lion’s arc, from there you can take another asura portal to a starter zone of your likings.

Drohakin ~ Blacktide

Leveling problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Worstluck.2397


Yes I recommend going to another 15-25 zone. Yesterday as I was leveling my thief I got to the point in Kessex Hills where the hearts and were too high. I went to Lion’s Arch, then headed over to Ascalon and hit up Diessa Plateau (15-25 Charr zone) and leveled there for a bit. There is a Norn and Sylvari/Asure 15-25 zone as well.

Leveling problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612



Indeed, you can travel to another areas, or try a bit of achievements.. it gets you some exp and bonuses. Also, events you already did, still rewards you or they can change… a farm coud be taken bay bandits, etc…

Use what you collect for crafting.. make some insignias and try the discover feature.. gives you a good amount of exp too…

Keep exploring, cause the world is pretty generous out there and you’ll keep leveling without notice..:)

Best whishes!

Leveling problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MonsieurMurre.7051


Thank you all!! I will do that! Thanks for the good advices!