Leveling up fast

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Djemo.7153


Ok so how does one lvl up fast cosidering ive already went through crafting with other alts?

Ive tried the labyrinth and it isnt really as exp intense as people made it out to be.
Heard nice things about Queensdale train but i have my doubts.

So yeah, how to lvl fast?

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Queensdale train combined with the labyrinth.

Labyrinth is awesome, but the lack off events and the fact that the map is small makes that DR kicks in pretty soon. Trick is to recognise it when it happens, go back to queensdale, do the train for 30 minutes and then hop back into the labyrinth again till you notice the dr kicks in.

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Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SweetCream.8051


This is how I got to 80, granted it took about 3weeks (80 playtime hours) so it wasn’t fast necessarily just efficient I guess?
Map exploration(probably the slowest part) til around 50% (did every main city and all the lower areas), from then did as much personally story as possible(from the first quest till the lvl60ish quest) having done 50% map completion made completing personal story a breeze, those two put me around lv72. From there I did enough of the living story dungeon to get the elemental mini, then did a little bit of event farming(not champs, but events in general) in Queensdale, then at 79 I leveled cooking(cheapest crafting) from 1-100(which took five minutes) and voila I was 80!
Hope this helps atleast a little, have fun good luck!

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


You CAN craft, even if you’ve learned it on alts. I find that personal story gives a huge chunk of experience, and doing story dungeons is helpful if you have a reliable group. I also agree that fully exploring zones and participating in as many events as possible will help you out a great deal.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Djemo.7153


One question, does personal story XP scale?

To clarify ive gotten my character up to 30 now (20 lvl scroll, WvW capping and a few laps around the labyrinth ) and if i start doing story from the first level will my XP gain from those missions be pitiful?

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: clint.5681


WvW zerging gives alot of exp combined with crafting should take you under a week to level up.

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Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

XP scales with your levels, so that any level content will give you appropriate experience to level you up in a decent amount of time, this includes renown hearts, dynamic events, and PS step completion.

You do get slightly more experience for doing a higher level event than doing a lower level event, but the time:reward ratio makes it better to run lower level events for experience.

The most experience comes from doing dynamic events but don’t rush to 80, enjoy the ride. There’s not as much to do once you reach it.

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612


One thing GW2 shines for sure, is the no need to lvl as fast as possible, since many activities and content are available.

but in that case, indeed WvW runnings plus event chains in pve are good ways to speed things up.

Not to mention the shop boosters.

Happy leveling!

Leveling up fast

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SweetCream.8051


Though it’s not a greatly noticeable increase, theres also nourishment specifically right now the Halloween food gives 15% rather than 10% increase in experience gained from kills.