Light Armour aestetics
If you’re going based on aesthetics, shouldn’t you go with whichever of the two you most like to look at and dress up as you play?
If you’re going based on aesthetics, shouldn’t you go with whichever of the two you most like to look at and dress up as you play?
I like them both for looks equally I just want to know what u guys reckon on which looks better
If not Asura, I vote human, here’s mine cause she’s pretty:
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
If not Asura, I vote human,
here’s mine cause she’s pretty:
She is very pretty ill wait to see others armour combos and then I’ll make my decision
If not Asura, I vote human,
here’s mine cause she’s pretty:
She is very pretty ill wait to see others armour combos and then I’ll make my decision
I recommend checking out the Mesmer forums, where people post screens of their toons. You’ll find a ton of different armors and themes. Or even the Sylvari or human sub forums.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Also hit the PVP locker in Heart of the mists, and preview some armors. If you dont like the race. Delete and make the other?
I also vote human, just because I prefer their looks. x3
Sylvari can be cute too, of course, but I prefer humans.
Here’s my elementalist in light armour: