Loading Screens need help please
Try adding this to your shortcut.
“x:\blah\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -maploadinfo
You will see map loading percentage. If it stays at 0% or is going up really slowly you can just Alt + F4 out of the game and reload back in. I have this bug sometimes and restarting the game seems to fix it.
ty, will try this
Simplest thing to do – remove the GW2 data file and let the game “reinstall”. When you start the game, it will simply download it again. You can also add “–repair” to the shortcut as described here: https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28148006-Repairing-the-Game-Client
4-7 minutes plus the delays is definetly abnormal. An SSD loads a map in 5-15 seconds (LA and other cities are on the far end of the scale).
my SSD is a bit bogged down but still manages 12-20s depending if it’s LA or not…
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I’m using a usb3 flash drive and loading in 3-7 seconds. You may indeed need to -repair but you may also need to defrag badly – especially if gw2 is on the same drive as your OS.
this could be a hard drive / parsing issue but only if the maps didn’t always take this long to load.
if your map load times have always been this slow you might try lowering your graphics settings a few notches.