Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: elchbulle.7209


Ever since the latest update (at least that seems to be when I noticed it) whenever I go into a new area, or even when I just start up the game and it’s loading, it will flash to my desktop multiple times before loading the screen.

For example when I go through a portal from one area to another, or load into PVP, suddenly it shows my desktop background picture and then it loads the next area.

It never used to do this… I’ve been playing a couple years and this is definitely new behavior. I tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game fresh to see if it made a difference, nothing..

I am running an AMD 290 radeon video card with the latest drivers that just came out days ago.

Thanks for any help!

(edited by elchbulle.7209)

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Do you in fullscreen and have the same resolution for your game and desktop? I’ve seen the flashing in other games when my game resolution is not the same as my windows desktop.

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: elchbulle.7209


Do you in fullscreen and have the same resolution for your game and desktop? I’ve seen the flashing in other games when my game resolution is not the same as my windows desktop.

Hello and thanks for the reply.

Yes I do have them set to the same resolution (1920 × 1080). I just tried setting the refresh in the game to match my monitor’s 60 hz… maybe that will help.

It is fullscreen as well.

I’ll keep trying things!

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nutjob.9021


I know the symptoms you describe aren’t an exact match for what I am about to describe, but I used to get a bunch of minimization to desktop. It took me a while to realize that the cause was a break in my mouse cable. When the break opened up, it was like I had removed my mouse from the computer. When the break closed back up, it was like I had plugged the mouse back in. So GW2 was minimizing as the computer thought it was getting new hardware installed. Now I use a wireless mouse.

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vyrulisse.1246


This began with the latest Windows 10 update for me. Before the new build of W10 it never happened.

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Another possibility I’ve run into with Nvidia’s gameworks (or whatever they call their game app), it would randomly minimize my game window.

My guess is it stopped detecting the game, so took focus to change profiles or something. Maybe with the update, AMD’s raptr is trying to do the same thing. I’ve seen the behaviour with some antivirus apps too.

Loading new areas flashes to my desktop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zelanard.5806


I have heard of this issue before. It was a huge issue just when windows 10 came out.
The option “Windowed Fullscreen” should solve it, as far as I know, it was made for that very purpose.

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