Logitec g13

Logitec g13

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DevO.9854


Just got this today mostly for tpvp play I’m hoping some others are using it. My Micro is pretty weak, and I’m hoping this can just help me improve once I start getting better with it.

Any tips from people who are using it?


Logitec g13

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I use it and love it.

I use the joystick for WSAD movement, the side button to the joystick as the F key and the button below that as the M key. I put the Jump on G15 key and the Dodge on G19 because I can hit one with my pinky and one with my index finger while using my middle finger to whack things while the thumb is on the joystick moving. For fighting figure out what is most comfortable for your hand to lie on the pad and decide where you want the main weapon keys to be (ie. Weapon #1 is on the G4 key for me) and where the utility keys are most useful for you. Nice thing also is you can custom the keys to the profession you are in with the M1, M2 or M3 profiles.

It does take practice to get used to it so consider running around a city or fairly safe area to get familiar with all the keys. It also helps to make a diagram of the pad and write down what key has what command so you can look at it as you familiarize.