Looking for 5th Person for Party

Looking for 5th Person for Party

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lumop.4702


Hello Guild Wars 2 Community!

My three friends and I are looking for a 5th person to join our party, as many of the dungeons require 5 people to complete them.

We are on almost everyday, so it would be helpful if you were on a lot also.
You must have Skype, as we are always talking on Skype whenever we are playing.
Preferably Eastern Time Zone (Not a must)
Don’t be a dick.

If you are interested, please respond back with a little bit of information about yourself.

Side Note : We are all in the world Kaineng

Looking for 5th Person for Party

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Naqaj.6219



You may want to have a look at that site. This discussion forum is probably not the best place for your request

Looking for 5th Person for Party

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anchorwind.9016


You might want to try the forum “players helping players” or the forum that recruits for guilds. The 3rd Party site has its value as well.

Looking for 5th Person for Party

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Lumop, as stated above using the gw2lfg web will be your best option. The forums aren’t designed for such purposes.

Good luck in your adventures.