Looking for a class best suited for me.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mixonserbia.3129


So i want a class which I can enjoy in both pve and pvp. Doesn’t have to be OP , just fun and not monotonous. I am thinking about a Necro but idk if they are that useful and on the other side maybe a Ranger or a Warrior.. I’m just too complicated and need your opinions.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mixonserbia.3129


Anyone? Please guys I need some help ?

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xenon.4537


You’re just too complicated? Lol.

I think we need more information about your preferred playstyle and the type of content you want to do.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423

Warrior, they’re the strongest class in all 3 gamemodes. LITTERALY (i have an warrior as an alt)

7800 hours ingame, and counting.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mixonserbia.3129


Idk why I want to play Necro so badly

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blair.3796


Sounds like you’re pretty set on a necro. In that case, I’d recommend a necro.

My other recommendation would be guardian. Lots of different styles of play, especially in PvP, but primarily a melee bruiser that supports with lots of blocks.

Though, that’s my preferred play style. We don’t know your preferred play style. All we know is that you apparently really want to play a necro. Well, why not play a necro?

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Elementalist. Very active playing style and they are useful and playable in PvE and WvW. sPvP you can just create a character and it is max level 80 so there is that.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

Haven’t you ever heard of the “new character blitz”?
1) Create 5 characters
2) Try them each out for about 30min-1hour. Make sure to try out each weapon possible for each class.
3) Delete your 3 least favorite
4) Create the remaining 3 characters
5) Repeat step 2
6) Delete your least favorite from the new set

DONE! You now have 4 characters to bounce between until you determine your main, and one open character slot for reasons.

HARDMODE: Try the new character blitz on a game with many classes, or where race significantly impacts class, like EverQuest or Anarchy Online.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: innocens.1582


necro is fun to play. go for it!

a man who doesnt make mistakes doesnt do anything

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teyrul.7804


Necro is not really good for PvE, but you should play one if it’s fun for you.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


Necro is great for open world PvE and exploration. It’s not optimal for dungeons (which is what people really mean when they say "not good for PvE) but unless you care about doing optimized speedruns exactly according to someone’s predetermined instructions, that doesn’t really matter.

I always find warriors terribly dull. Guardians just seem a lot more fun to me for some reason. Necro is my current favorite though.

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


necro is a fine class and surprisingly versatile. don’t roll an Ele, they are horrible to level.

downed state is bad for PVP

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


If you want to avoid monotony, avoid warrior. Yes, it’s strong. It’s also the most boring class in the game.

Necro is fun. It’s strong in large groups & open world. Dungeons, not the best. But if fun is all you’re after, then go with your gut.

My other recommendations: Engineer and Mesmer

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I don’t know how to answer this honestly because we don’t really know you. Engineer has alot of options tho if you switch between damage types it gets expensive. Most classes have summons of some kind or another.

I think tho due to the current problems with PVE combat and the lack of diversity in builds out here you’ll find yourself using 1 weapon or another for most of your gameplay no matter what class you get simply because CC, healing, and condition damage isn’t what it should be to allow for better diversity. Even the XIII traits are extremely limited on what you can use them fore.

Until they make extreme changes we’re going to continue to see this trend of monotony in combat.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Looking for a class best suited for me.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mixonserbia.3129


Well idk , I want it to be fun but still strong in both PvE/PvP. I should go with a Necro. Will try Engi too Ty guyz