Looking for a hook

Looking for a hook

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lymain.6723


I’ve spent most of my MMO gaming time as a raider in Everquest 2 where my guild competed with other guilds for server and worldwide firsts. The game itself was fun for me, but what really hooked me was the competition and strong, cumulative progression. Unfortunately, that game is now well past its prime, and I’ve been looking for a more modern game to scratch the itch.

I really like a lot of what GW2 offers, but I haven’t played much since New Years because there wasn’t any hook to hold my interest. I see that they have added some progression to WvW with the new traits/AAs/whatever that you can earn. Is there any sort of ELO-ish rating in sPvP now? I enjoy dungeons, sPvP, and WvW (not so much world events or dailies). Where should I look for that competition and strong, cumulative progression that I like? Has it been added to the game?

[AS] Tarnished Coast

Looking for a hook

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vluhd.7562


PvP has some sort of rating, but we don’t know what it’s based on, or what an individual’s rating is.
You can see where you rank compared to others, but that’s it.

IMHO the ranks in WvW haven’t made it more compelling, but I loved WvW without the ranks, and I still love it with them.

IGN: Toxicodendron Vox
Dragonriders [DR]