Looking for a new class to level

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EunSulHwa.8023


Hey everyone. I hit 80 on my Mesmer not too long ago and am looking for another class to try. I’m looking something that has a good amount of mobility (near 100% swiftness uptime would be awesome). I prefer condition damage but power/precision also works. Preferably something ranged and possibly tanky (durable). What would you guys/girls recommend I try?

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rickdog.2853


Have you tried a ranger? Thats what i currently am and im loving it. As for the swiftness part, not sure if anything has 100% uptime on that.. but using a warhorn in your secondary set allows for some swiftness as well as a higher damage output.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jax.9107


Warrior also has some great ranged sets with longbow and rifle. Warhorn also has a speed boost for you.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taritu.6320


pistol/dagger rogues might be the best kiters in the game (might, I haven’t played all, let alone to high level). OTOH, I prefer daggers on my rogue for the insane damage/bleeding.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChonieRanchito.1270


thieves are the most mobile class out there. they have a +25% movement speed signet and can keep up +33% movement speed out of combat near 100% uptime if you are willing to spend at least 15pts in acrobatics traits. however their ranged options are not the best out there (only class without 1200 range) and i wouldnt really consider them tanky. a toughness/vit/condition build is viable so theyre not super squishy and stealth shadowsteps and lots of dodges keep them alive mostly.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drevin.6534


Read this thread. High mobility warrior discussed there.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gduber.9756


Yeah, if you’re looking for mobility, slap a short-bow on a thief and you get a teleport skill that really comes in handy for traveling. Speed boosts aren’t everything, though.

Ranger is turning out to be much more fun than I expected and specing into beastmastery makes your pet nigh unbeatable.

They are not as good for farming as warrior, however, and farming ability really matters at higher levels where you want plenty of powerful aoe options for farming, and survivability against unexpected mobs that are hard to kite.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EunSulHwa.8023


Thanks a lot for the suggestions everyone. I tried out Ranger and it was really fun although the invulnerability skills seem to be bug out sometimes. The skills where the pet takes all damage for you seems to bug out sometimes and causes me to still take dmg. It was so satisfying watching all those bleed stacks rack up so fast.

I think I will try out a Pistol/Dagger + SB Thief and see how it is. Engineers also look quite good with their kits.

Looking for a new class to level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Draco Aurum.7520

Draco Aurum.7520

Drevin had good advice, you should give the Yojack build Warrior a try.
To quote Yojack:
" Sword/warhorn + Rifle (zomg not greatsword? wtf yojack?)
Great heals, perma sprint, perma fury, perma might and condition removal like you cant believe! Oh yeah and rocking 98% crit full time.
Gear options I went full rampagers on everything which is power + precision + condition damage. Critting every attack gets extra bleeds, and extra health from lifesteal sigil on weapons. This build is definately viable both pve and wvw and imo the best overall choice for survivability, group play and utility while still just being a BEAST one vs one =) "