Looking for a specific profession.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I’ve messed around a bit with all the classes but I’m having a difficult time deciding what one to go with. I want to be an asset in dungeons, and I really like the idea of being able to support my teammates a lot and not just be the guy tearing through the mobs. Though I don’t want to be JUST supporting my team either. I hate the feeling that I’m just providing support because I’m lackluster combat wise. I suppose you could I say I want to be more damage based than support based, but I want the support to be there too, and matter.

I’ve heard Guardians are really popular in dungeons because they’re great at support and keeping everyone alive, I’ve yet to see anyone say anything about them being very good at actually tearing through enemies though. It seems they’re more support-oriented then damage. Like I said I don’t want to feel lackluster when it comes to chewing through the enemies. I wanna hit fast, and strong, (literally, I’d prefer a class that’s not sitting there sluggishly battering away at enemies, but meh) but not be a one-trick pony.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


You could try Warrior then. They have a lot of support thanks to banners and other utility skills but they can really dish out punishment. I personally enjoy Guardian more but I’ve never been desperate to do the most dps.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pinder.5261


Most professions can include some level of support along with their damage, just by equipping certain utility skills. Only Thieves and Rangers lack so much support that it takes a fully support oriented build for them to do anything except dps, and even then they’re still damage heavy.

As for the second part, yes, every class can build for extra damage. Guardians are no different here. Their weapon options are far more limited (greatsword being the primary choice), but it’s entirely possible.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeTechTive.9251


Don’t believe the hype. A Guardian can gear and trait for full damage and still be more survivable then anybody else doing the same and plus still provide all kinds of support while dishing out top tier damage with a greatsword, less so with other weaps, but they have other bonuses and still do significant damage.

Edit: Warrior is fun, but if you don’t want to feel limited then you might not go for it, they have alot of weapon choices, but not all of them are actually viable in dungeons. I cringe when I see longbow warriors plinking away. But they are pretty much forced to use condition curing heal, and shake it off utility in dungeons, the other choices arent much, its banners or shouts. Don’t be a signet warrior in a dungeon please lol.

(edited by DeTechTive.9251)

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isaac.6041


Guardians are the best class for you. Try one.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I’ve been running a Guardian for about four or five hours and I’m loving it. I feel indestructible, even when I went into sPvP. I had no idea what I was doing but I was still able to keep myself alive and even take a couple people down. Definitely going to make this my main, thanks for the help everyone. I actually don’t mind the slow speed of the hammer and greatsword either, maybe because I’m taking mobs out in very few hits making the fights go much quicker. I usually have some trouble fighting off large mobs at a time on other characters, save for the Warrior of course haha, but I actually got into a bit of a metaphorical pickle with some higher leveled mobs and was able to come out of it alive. Albeit I didn’t kill all them, I took a few down, got downed, rallied, then escaped with some surprising finesse.

Hopefully with some time I’ll be able to learn the class some more. Anyone have some good trait specs I could try out? For sPvP, PvE, WvW, anything really.