Looking for friends in game!
Hello there are welcome to the world of Tyria! Woohoo!
You may want to include what server you are playing on as players playing on a North American server cannot play with players from a European server (vice versa).
You may always want to check out the guild recruitment section of the forum. There are many guilds out there that would be glad to have you. That could help with your problems of boredom online here.
If all else fails, you’re more than welcome to PM me and I can lend a hand here and there!
(…)You may always want to check out the guild recruitment section of the forum. There are many guilds out there that would be glad to have you. That could help with your problems of boredom online here.(…)
I’d be careful with this since some guilds are only interested in the influence you generate.
If you aren’t getting much help from a guild, leave, and I wouldn’t count random low level guy like you that you meet in guild chat and lends a hand as help.
And by the way, think of “influence” as points. When you are representing a guild that guild gets points, and (needs) uses those points to buy more bank slots, banners, etc etc.
LVL 28 tank looking for players to group with and friend.
I wouldn’t count random low level guy like you that you meet in guild chat and lends a hand as help.
Just curious, then what would you classify as help then?.
I wouldn’t count random low level guy like you that you meet in guild chat and lends a hand as help.
Just curious, then what would you classify as help then?.
I see the advice given as an underlining awareness one player was pointing out to another about joining guilds who claim to “have it all”.
However, the OP is not asking for a guild anyways so these comments are irrelevant to his original post. He is merely looking for people to play with so he/she isn’t so bored while experiencing guild wars. I’m sure they could care less about where their “influence” even go at this point.
Server – Yak’s Bend
(edited by Nodo.6907)