Looking for info

Looking for info

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Calanth.5718


Hey all! Just returned recently after a fairly long time away. Having class decision issues.

I’ve got a boosted 80 Engy fully flushed out and an 80 Mes just a few steps into chrono.

Tons of others between 44-64. (Ranger, necro, warrior, guardian, etc)

I have yet to get into pvp or wvw within GW2 but that aspect has been my favorite in past MMO’s. I am looking for a list of bunker style builds that perform well in PVE, but really shine in various forms of pvp.

I don’t care which class. I enjoy them all. But a class, build link, and why you feel it works/how it works for you, would be insanely helpful for me. I tend to lean towards attrition classes hence why I leveled up a Mesmer this time around.

Durability and mobility are key. Outside of that I can go power or condi. I don’t care which.

I read the forums A LOT, and I am not asking for which you think is best. But rather which bunker do you play and the why/how it works for you.

Appreciate, in advance, all the input.


Looking for info

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kumion.7580


I recommend reading up on builds at metabattle. It sounds as if you will enjoy doing the research. (http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki) Each build has helpful notes that should satisfy your questions.

Since PvP is your thing, don’t worry about level at all. Everyone is on even ground there, so just jump in and have fun.

For durability, mobility, and attrition, I’d say have a serious look at condi necro.

Looking for info

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Calanth.5718


Appreciate the response Kumion. I have a Necro in his mid 40’s. Was worried about the mobility with him though. He seems highly durable and def has the attrition factor I like, but when not using offhand dagger the speed….ugh.

I’ve been running sc/dgr + Staff. Focus on pets and blood magic so far.

Any suggestions on how to deal with the mobility/speed issue when not using offhand dagger?
