Looking for leveling companions

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Just recently started leveling a Ranger, looking for others to adventure with, feel free to add me. I’m just playing to have fun, not to rush through everything, want people with the same mindset, “playing for fun”.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Hey everyone, I’m still looking for people to play with, feel free to add me, my character name is Zak Sequoia. I play on the Ehmry Bay server, I’m in California, so I’m in PST time zone.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Athryl.9372


I just started a couple weeks ago (whenever the last free weekend was). I’m on Tarnished Coast though…it’s been tough meeting people so if you need help with anything ask. I know there’s a way to guest to other servers although I’m not sure how yet. I’m mostly on my mesmer who is mid-50s (Arden Kynaston). I’ve really just been solo exploring, doing hearts, and personal story so far.

Arden Kynaston – Tarnished Coast

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


I will send you a request, We can take turns guesting in each other’s servers. I’m a level 20 Ranger.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iKeostuKen.2738


Mind if i hop in on this?

I am a altaholic but i can help out on my 40 engie, im on Fort aspenwood but i can guest to which ever server u guys are on.

Looking for leveling companions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Sounds good, just add me as a friend in game.