Looking for people to play with!

Looking for people to play with!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CallMeCam.5467


Hey guys! I returned to GW2 about 2 months ago and fell back in love with it instantly. I deleted all my old characters to move to Northern Shiverpeaks to join with my friend who stopped playing about a week after I started again. I bought the game for another friend but quickly left. Basically my squad of gaming friends has completely diminished, and I’m looking for new people 17+ to play with. Like I said I am on Northern Shiverpeaks and seeing how WvW is my favorite part then you would need to be on the same server. I have skype and Teamspeak to communicate while playing, and voice is preferred. I hope to join up with some fellow Guild wars lovers so we can chill and enjoy the game together

Looking for people to play with!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CallMeCam.5467


Also, I’m on Central time and I play in the mornings and nights daily.

Looking for people to play with!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: misterman.1530


Also, I’m on Central time and I play in the mornings and nights daily.

If you are on NSP, check out northernshiverpeaks.org – you will find a lot of information there.

Looking for people to play with!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JackyChang.9145


I’m just about to start off… Got my new gaming laptop a few days ago… And been waiting to play this game like crazy… Let me know if you want a noob to join you. =]