Looking for places with blackness/corruption
Try out Orr, Cursed Shore in particular. Also in any of the purple branded areas in Ascalon.
Then there’s that hidden public dungeon in … Timberline? … north end of one of the snowy zones, it opens up and you are in a place that is dark and full of monsters that run away if you light a blue torch.
Have you tried the swamp in Queensdale and the swampy area in Kessex Hills?
Try out Orr, Cursed Shore in particular. Also in any of the purple branded areas in Ascalon.
Then there’s that hidden public dungeon in … Timberline? … north end of one of the snowy zones, it opens up and you are in a place that is dark and full of monsters that run away if you light a blue torch.
That’s Forsaken halls in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forsaken_Halls
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Blazeridge Steppes and other ascalonian maps have that black area where the corruption is. No matter the weather, if you got there you get blackness.
Cursed shore, Malchor’s leap, Blazeridge Steppes, the Swamp in Queensdale, maybe some places in Arah.
Blazeridge Steppes and other ascalonian maps have that black area where the corruption is. No matter the weather, if you got there you get blackness.
Yeah .. Blazeridge Steppes, Iron Marches and Fields of Ruin mainly ^^
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