Looking for someone to play with
Welcome to GW2!
Unfortunately, we are in different regions- you are EU while I’m NA, so I can’t guest to play with you. However, we can still talk, so if you ever have questions, feel free to hit me up in-game (type /tell Falunel in chat or send me a mail) or here on the forums.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
It’s a pity but sure i’ll add you ingame.
I’m in NA, so I can’t be a leveling buddy. Feel free to add me ingame if you have any questions!
You could try finding an EU guild that focuses on helping new players, or just asking the people around you if they want to run together for a bit. I know there was an EU branch of Operation Union, but I don’t know what’s happening with it now.
okay, thanks for the suggestion.
Hi there! I am also on Desolation Server and would be more than happy to come and play with you sometime! I have four 80’s however but I have no problem in making an alt or maybe even just coming on my main and helping you out!
The game is good solo however it really shines when you can enjoy it with someone else! Add me and when I am on I’ll come see you!
oh nice what’s ur ingame name?
Nynaeve Trixx is my main toons name! Sorry for the late reply, went to bed and been at work all day!
Ah no problem.
Add me I always play by myself a little company would be cool
In game name vvvuvvv
Sure, i will.
Add me too :P. I’m also on Desolation, leveling a warrior currently.
Sure, i added you.
I’m also looking for someone to play with on Desolation, just 1 person to level through the game.( PVE)
Okay, I’ll add you.:)
I’m a frequent female (EU) player. At the moment i’m a lonely lvl14 Sylvari looking for levelling partner / chat TT_TT?
Add: Ume Bom
kicks the water
Stupid ocean.
this guy is looking for new players to game with, he’s an EU sever player as well, you should message him