Lost: Minipets
Have you checked the collectibles tab. you see minipets are classified as ‘collectible’ so they are deposited when you click ‘deposit all collectibles’. so it should be there.
Ah I totally didn’t know they were collectables.
Thanks you SO much >.< and yes you may all roll your eyes. :P
rolls eyes ; )))
i love these pets and glad you found them again.
if only we could have all 3 out at the same time!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
If you want them to remain in your pack and not depositing into your collectables every time you hit the ‘quick deposit’ button, I suggest investing in an invisible or safe box to prevent them from moving.
This is 1/2 the reason I really wish they’d add a mini pet slot to the Hero tab (the other reason being you wouldn’t have to keep remembering to get them out again).
So many times I’ve thought I lost a mini because I accidentally deposited it. (Or panicked because it wasn’t in the bank and I forgot another character had it.)
I definitely recommend investing in an invisible bag or box, they’re useful not just for this but for anything you could sell but want to keep, like runes you want to put in the bank or spare weapons.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”