Love the games ease of use features, but why no /follow or /trade?
The trade thing threw me at first, but really, with the mail the way it is, it isn’t an issue at all for me now.
We don’t have to run to an actual mailbox, so no inconvience there, and it is instant. So basicly like trade without clicking on the person.
I wouldn’t mind “limited” /follow like you suggested, but the lack of it isn’t interfering with my game play either.
I think the lack of a direct trade is so that ArenaNet can easily monitor the exchange of goods in game. Since tehre is an interaction with Real Money Currency, it is very important for them to track economic trends. Limiting players desires to trade directly, circumventing the Trading Post, sort of restricts any sort of ‘black market’ from popping up.
Of course, players are always welcome to use the ‘honor system’ and trust that strangers will pay through the mail system.
or follow me on twitter @trikktheasura
Trikke <Sorrows Children> [SRRW] — Sea of Sorrows
Yeah the lack of follow haskitten me off but the trade thing isnt so bad with the mail being the way it is…the thing I didnt get was not being able to mail items or money to one of your own toons…seriously…dumb freaking limitation there.
/follow invented multiboxing… without such a feature, you’d never move 5 toons around all at once without breaking the EULA.
Bravo for not including it in this game!
/follow invented multiboxing… without such a feature, you’d never move 5 toons around all at once without breaking the EULA.
Bravo for not including it in this game!
Incorrect. Multi-boxing does not require /follow which is why when you see a multi-boxer all character are standing right on top of each other and doing the exact same moves/attacks at the same time…and I can point out several multi-boxers on my server.
With simple software and a switch box and keyboard/mouse presses will go to each computer on the box. No follow command is needed in the game.
Yeah the lack of follow haskitten me off but the trade thing isnt so bad with the mail being the way it is…the thing I didnt get was not being able to mail items or money to one of your own toons…seriously…dumb freaking limitation there.
All your character share one bank account so that mean what ever you put in the bank be it gear/material/gold all your other character have access to it. So who’s is seriously…dumb now ?
/follow invented multiboxing… without such a feature, you’d never move 5 toons around all at once without breaking the EULA.
Bravo for not including it in this game!
That simply isnt true. Also, as I mentioned, you can put simple restrictions on a /follow command that would eliminate the kind of gold farmer toon trains you describe. It is a legitimate feature with legitimate use, which is why virtually every single MMO I have played over the last ten years has it.
As far as trade, mail does not cut it, because mail does not have the same interaction. And if they were worried about tracking gems or whatever they use in this game, they could restrict it to items and in game currency. It is absolutely crazy that I cant trade a sword to a toon I am standing next to, or ANY other item, really. Again, that feature has been in virtually every single MMO I have played over the last decade, and for good reason.
The game has impressed me over all, as a new player, but these omissions are quite disturbing. For me, not being able to /follow or /trade is kind of on the same level as not being able to send a /tell or /groupinv to someone. In fact, it would be exactly like having to mail a grp invite to someone instead of just doing a /grpinv. It kind of works, but it is clunky and illogical. It is just the simple kind of functionality I expect. Of course mileage and opinion varies.
Yeah the lack of follow haskitten me off but the trade thing isnt so bad with the mail being the way it is…the thing I didnt get was not being able to mail items or money to one of your own toons…seriously…dumb freaking limitation there.
All your character share one bank account so that mean what ever you put in the bank be it gear/material/gold all your other character have access to it. So who’s is seriously…dumb now ?
Lets not start calling names or casting aspersions. His point is valid, especially from an ease of use view point. You can access mail from anywhere. You can NOT access your bank from anywhere. So while it may be shared, which is nice, very nice, it does not have the kind of ease of use that mailing an item to your toon alt has. That is simple fact. I consider lack of a /trade and /follow as “dumb” or disappointing limitations, short of some other compelling argument I have yet to see made.
(edited by Dyvim.8293)
Yeah the lack of follow haskitten me off but the trade thing isnt so bad with the mail being the way it is…the thing I didnt get was not being able to mail items or money to one of your own toons…seriously…dumb freaking limitation there.
All your character share one bank account so that mean what ever you put in the bank be it gear/material/gold all your other character have access to it. So who’s is seriously…dumb now ?
Hey an entire guild can place items into the same guild bank so why allow anyone to send mail to fellow guildmembers…so who’s seriously…dumb now?
Yeah, think before you post because the entire idea of mail in this game is being able to use it anywhere.
Yeah the lack of follow haskitten me off but the trade thing isnt so bad with the mail being the way it is…the thing I didnt get was not being able to mail items or money to one of your own toons…seriously…dumb freaking limitation there.
All your character share one bank account so that mean what ever you put in the bank be it gear/material/gold all your other character have access to it. So who’s is seriously…dumb now ?
Hey an entire guild can place items into the same guild bank so why allow anyone to send mail to fellow guildmembers…so who’s seriously…dumb now?
Yeah, think before you post because the entire idea of mail in this game is being able to use it anywhere.
Exactly. Which is great, except mail is absolutely no substitute for a /trade window where you can have a straight-up exchange where both parties agree on the items being simultaneously exchanged…mail just doestn cut it. Although why you cant mail to an alt is puzzling as well…its just another one of those “huh?” issues that I hope they will address.
I think the reason they don’t allow you to mail to your alts is so that you don’t 1) Have what amounts to basically a virtual bank that you can access anywhere outside of dungeons and 2) to prevent you from having ten extra inventory slots as provided by your mail for each alt (so 50 extra slots to start).
I understand that they only want you to use the Trading Post to make sure that all exchanges cause money to leave the economy (remember that they have to balance the game economy inflation by getting you to spend small amounts of money back into the game by doing simple things [waypoints, repairs, tools, trading etc.]). Since money is magically created in MMORPGs from quests and vendor sales, they have to find ways to take a good portion back out of player circulation.
I assume no /follow is to prevent some sort of botting or exploiting but… as others have said, I think it proves more of a hindrance to honest players than ones trying to perform exploitive activities.