Low level player looking for help
Just put a call out in map chat – probably half-a-dozen players will come running or suggest where to go to join an event.
Hi there. What server are you on?
A good place to meet players is Queensdale. There are low level and high level players. I’ve gone there to do the Champ Train and have helped other players along the way. Its a fun way of meeting others while leveling. If you have any questions though feel free to hit me up in game. I love helping new players.
Hi there. What server are you on?
Im in Far Shiverpeaks Europe
If you are ever in Devana’s Reach (North America) feel free to hit me up. I have no problem helping players level.
Also, go to Lion’s Arch (via the asura gate in your home city) and ask if any guilds that do a lot of PvE are recruiting. LA is the major hub that everyone hangs out in so you’ll have better chances there.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)