Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daedra Karagatzu.6723

Daedra Karagatzu.6723

So I am a Star Wars geek, and have put over 30+ DAYS into Star Wars: The Old Republic. Since I like MMO’s and record gameplay too, I thought this would be a good game to get due to the great reviews this was given, and what else…The HYPE!

So I want to roll Elementalist, but I’m sure there are problems with that class, as I just read a previous post explaining some cons of this class’ DPS abilities.

Anways, hopefully I can enjoy another well crafted game, and thanks ahead for any users who decide to post about their expieriences so far.

Thanks guys, see you in game.


Daedra – Human Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

Ahh TOR….i try to repress those memories as much as possible usually…

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nonsensei.6384


Ive played every class except necro and it appears that they are all pretty bad with massive and obvious weaknesses. Except guardian. Guardian has it all. Insane DPS. AoE. Survivability. Healing. Support abilities. Crazy skills on most weapons.

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yakito.9740


“Another well crafted game”?
I am sure you are not talking about TOR, or at least you are a bit sarcastic.
I’ve played a couple of MMOs and TOR is the only one that I ended up hating.
I am never going back to that horrible piece of wasted money.

Anyway, sorry for that off topic. I can’t rant about it on the TOR forums since I lack a sub… hah, but I do it wherever else I can.

To the point. What you may find in GW2 that all the characters you’ll play will somehow feel like they lack a punch. At least that’s what I am getting on my Engineer. It’s not because of the particular profession but because there’s very little burst damage in the game, at least what I’ve seen so far.

I am a level 80 Engineer and I started a Mesmer. Both are very interesting and very different. You haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else.
To me, all the classes are incredibly interesting, but I wanted something that could use guns and rifles.

You may try a Mesmer, you will be able to confuse other players with clones of your character and you will have tons of CC, or you can try something else.
Either way, I am pretty sure you can just roll a level 1 character, enter the “Mist” which will give you a 80 level, play around with the traits and skill points and try it out in some Battlegrounds.

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


I have a level 41 Ranger. I absolutely love him. Great dps, some good heals, a plethora of pets to choose from, both on land and in the water. A few CCs and AOEs(depending on the weapon). Just a joy to play. Good to great survivability.

Tried thief, elementalist, and engineer. Elementalist atleast at lower level seems very squishy with ok damage. Not enough to offset the squishiness in my opnion. Thief has some interesting abilities, both ranged and mele. Engineer… I like that one. You can use different types of turrets. Healing turrets, rifle turrets, flame thrower turrets etc.

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daedra Karagatzu.6723

Daedra Karagatzu.6723

One thing for sure about GW2, is leveling is way more time consuming. At least that’s what I have expierienced so far. Another thing, in WvW, I don’t seem to be getting XP for killing blows etc.

Am I just not used to the game mechanics? I have played 8 hours and am still level 10. lol

By that time playes in TOR, i’d be at level 12 or 13 by now.

Daedra – Human Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MRA.4758


One thing for sure about GW2, is leveling is way more time consuming. At least that’s what I have expierienced so far. […] Am I just not used to the game mechanics? I have played 8 hours and am still level 10. lol By that time playes in TOR, i’d be at level 12 or 13 by now.

Actually I have the impression that leveling is pretty smooth in GW2. I usually level up in far less than an hour per level. You should not make the mistake and try to kill mobs for XP, that’s not how GW2 works. Do events instead, they give far more XP. Heck, even harvesting a material node gives about three times as much XP as killing a mob. Or do crafting, collect renown, play WvW, or whatever fits you best.

The difference to other MMOs is that the time to level up remains about the same from level to level and does NOT grow exponentially. This is by design. Also note that in GW2 leveling isn’t the goal, it’s just one measure of progress. Just play the game, don’t care too much for your levels.

Another thing, in WvW, I don’t seem to be getting XP for killing blows etc.

I think you are right about that, but also in WvW events deliver the XP, not killing enemies. The only thing that is lacking since the betas is that it is very tedious to unlock weapon skills in WvW. I suggest to unlock weapon skills in PvE.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

(edited by MRA.4758)

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daedra Karagatzu.6723

Daedra Karagatzu.6723

First MMO you ever played? The game has an almost flat leveling curve..
Just because you get exp of PvP killing blows in some games does not mean other games has to do that as well.
It’s not the games fault that you arew not leveling quick if that’s what you are implying..

Is this my first MMO? No not at all. I have played WoW when it was in Wrath of the Litch King. I played SWTOR, and now GW2.

Leveling in this, now that I have played the game more, comes from events…like posted above, or by harvesting nodes, crafting etc. So now that I know how to level efficiently, I’ll be good now.

Daedra – Human Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Atharyia.4158


So much hate for swtor, I enjoyed the game. Sure it had problems, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Anyway, welcome to GW2. Always nice to have some more PvPers. If you plan to PvP but not sure what profession, you can always go to the PvP zone once you complete the intro on any character. You become level 80 with everything unlocked (skills, weapons, gear). This lets you try out a profession and its mechanics at max level, so you can see what it really offers.

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrix.7036


Come to blackgate, everyone hates us and we always get doubleteamed in WvW. Fun times.

Loyal SWTOR player looking to play some good PVP in GW2!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

So much hate for swtor, I enjoyed the game. Sure it had problems, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Anyway, welcome to GW2. Always nice to have some more PvPers. If you plan to PvP but not sure what profession, you can always go to the PvP zone once you complete the intro on any character. You become level 80 with everything unlocked (skills, weapons, gear). This lets you try out a profession and its mechanics at max level, so you can see what it really offers.

lol….it was preeetttyyy bad…