MAC Beta Client

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RazorClaw.6852


Has anyone had any issues with the MAC cliewnt or does it work just fine and we are just waiting on it’s full release?

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemon.1387


I’ve never had any problems actually. And it runs at a consistent 30-40 fps. I have a pretty new retina display 2012 Mac though.

The only thing that I would like is high res textures. Apparently that’s something reserved for 64 bit windows that the osx wrapper can’t handle.

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RazorClaw.6852


I’ve never had any problems actually. And it runs at a consistent 30-40 fps. I have a pretty new retina display 2012 Mac though.

The only thing that I would like is high res textures. Apparently that’s something reserved for 64 bit windows that the osx wrapper can’t handle.

alright I just hope that I don’t have to purchase anything once the MAC client goes live I would like to just patch it up and go from there to run GW 2 on my MAC LAptop.

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Roxtar.6487


I have been playing it pretty flawlessly on my 2009 macbook 13 inch (no crashes, no glitches, the only complaint is sometimes if I go too fast through an area the enemies don’t physically appear but thats only happened twice in my 20+ hours I’ve used my laptop to play. It’s also probably a RAM problem and not a client problem). So it’s pretty old, but it works perfectly. Just make sure you’re updated to at least 10.6.8.

Once you buy the game I am 100% confident you won’t have to buy new “released” client.

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RazorClaw.6852


I have been playing it pretty flawlessly on my 2009 macbook 13 inch (no crashes, no glitches, the only complaint is sometimes if I go too fast through an area the enemies don’t physically appear but thats only happened twice in my 20+ hours I’ve used my laptop to play. It’s also probably a RAM problem and not a client problem). So it’s pretty old, but it works perfectly. Just make sure you’re updated to at least 10.6.8.

Once you buy the game I am 100% confident you won’t have to buy new “released” client.

Alright I will make sure I am running the lastest verrsion of my MAC OS X since I got my MACBook in 2010 so should have good stuff, plus run all the lastest WO MOPW, Diablo and Starcraft games from blizzard plus Portal 2 so I think GW 2 should be good

MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Works perfectly for me. I haven’t had any issues other than generic issues.


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MAC Beta Client

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Puddles.6385


If you have the hard drive space, and enough free time to do it, you’ll get significantly better performance running guild wars 2 under bootcamp.

Unlike Diablo & Starcraft, Guild Wars 2’s Mac client is basically a third-party “wrapper” of sorts, translating Directx (windows-specific) to openGL (open source). It does work, and work pretty well, but if you like to crank up your graphics settings (and it’s a shame if you don’t in this game. It looks incredible), Windows really is the best choice for performance.