MF gear
Personally i think MF gear is a farce.
RNG is RNG. You will get more t6 mats with MF gear.
Doesnt work with chests. I don’t see much of an increase in rares or exos.
You will be automatically shunned from almost every dungeon you run if they find out you’re in MF. Because you will slow down the party.
I wouldn’t buy it. Craft it as you get the mats.
I used to think it was not helpful. I put a few pieces on that I made and headed out to do events in Orr and did not find a single rare/exotic drop for over an hour of doing several events (not just running back and forth between the 2 events on either side of the tunnel).
Then, after the most recent patch, I decided to try again. This time I made myself Masterwork quality armor (since I’m pretty sure it has the same % of MF as the rare/exotic armor) and wore a full set. I also picked up MF weapons, accessories and runes. I grabbed a Superior Sigil of luck for my main hand weapon also.
I have seen that it does have an impact now. That’s not to say that you’ll see a rare item drop every time Penitent Shelter is up, but you’ll definitely see an increase in rare drops. Just don’t expect them to be raining from the sky.
I’ve also heard there are diminishing returns on MF after a while. I don’t know what this means, but the way it was said to me made me think that after doing events in a certain area for an extended period of time, MF starts to decrease. Since I don’t “farm” for long periods of time, I can’t say whether or not this is true.
Good luck!
Trust me your just better off using magic find boosts and/or food because when I had magic find gear with consumables it gave me about 150% and within 2 hours I got a bunch of claws and no corrupted lodestones. Then I farmed with my ranger who only had 80% from a magic find booster and omnomberry bar. After 2 hours I had 4 lodestones, I think the more magic find you build the game just cheats you.
I somehow think that magic find works in an opposite universe because here it seems I start getting more blue items than green and yellow whenever I use magic gear or consumable.
ouch this is so confusing and somehow we cant get direct thing from arena net and many people have asked this strange sistem diablo have it but there it works i have notice difrenace here 95% people telling me its waste of time in game thac why i need it opinion on the forums guys
Trust me your just better off using magic find boosts and/or food because when I had magic find gear with consumables it gave me about 150% and within 2 hours I got a bunch of claws and no corrupted lodestones. Then I farmed with my ranger who only had 80% from a magic find booster and omnomberry bar. After 2 hours I had 4 lodestones, I think the more magic find you build the game just cheats you.
This one time I had 0% Magic Find and I found a charged lodestone. Then this other time I had 50000% Magic Find and I didn’t find a charged lodestone! Obviously Magic Find is bugged and cheats you!
That’s not how statistics works.
MF gear truly works, I’ve noticed a lot more rares/exotics (until you hit DR)
You need to be using it on farming though, not dungeons
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Dont farm on your normal gear, then slap on MF, then keep farming, then despair. DR will screw you MF or no. MF does not help you on chests at all.
Don’t bother buying or crafting exotic MF armor, all rarities give the same amount. Slap together some cheaper farming gear or run CoE for the exotic token set.
MF does help. It is most noticeable when you have high MF and you will receive very few if any white armor drops. If you don’t believe it or you are too impatient to bother with it, don’t use it so sell prices for T6 mats stay nice and high for me.
I see an easily noticeable difference in the number of blue/green name items I get when I run full MF. Usually only see rare items from loot chests, but I do think that with MF gear I’ve received a few more rare items, I just haven’t tested things long enough to say for sure.
To this day though, haven’t found an exotic weapon/armor piece.
Personally, I’m on the faith system at this point for this issue. Like a lot of other things in this game that are incorrect and/or possibly bugged, its something I look at and have the slightest hope that it works. I run mostly MF gear, some of my accessories and back piece are not MF gear, but I play more skilled so I don’t have to rely on stats to do well. One day I’ll bend and get another set of gear that has real stats, but I doubt that will happen until ascended armor comes out (if it does).
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]
Personally, I find it a worthwhile investment. It’s an upfront investment for a longterm payoff. Keep in mind it’s a very difficult statistic to justify and there is a prejudice against MF in groups.
In short, MF pays off long run, you won’t necessarily see short term gains. I acquired my two sets for my Engi and Mes long ago before the prices spiked, and its an exotic set to minimize how much I hurt my stats. Also, I find if you can play skillfully, it works fine. If you plan to use it for more than just farming dynamics, get exotic.
If it helps you justify it any more, Knight’s armor is main stat Toughness, alt stats Power/Prec. Explorer’s armor is main stat Magic Find, alt stats Power/Prec. So literally it’s a trade of Toughness for MF and if you can play to where you don’t need the toughness, it’s essentially equal to Knight’s. If you’re going to pick MF Runes, pick a set that will be most beneficial to your play as well.
I often run MF because with my build I can make up for the tradeoff for toughness, however, for more difficult content you won’t see me in MF (Ex: Frac 40+ you won’t even see me with a MF food buff)
Keep in mind what people forget with Magic Find is it only improves the base chance of better stuff dropping. 300% magic find only means you have 4x whatever that base chance is (so if it’s 1% now it’s 4% – still tiny).
Some people actually think 20% magic find means a 1/5 chance of something (or something better) dropping.
Keep in mind what people forget with Magic Find is it only improves the base chance of better stuff dropping. 300% magic find only means you have 4x whatever that base chance is (so if it’s 1% now it’s 4% – still tiny).
Some people actually think 20% magic find means a 1/5 chance of something (or something better) dropping.
You mean my 200% magic find doesn’t mean I get 3 rares instead of 1? jk haha
Like Shimond said, it essentially helps make a small chance, less small. I’ll typically see more blues/greens than whites in a full set.
And in map chat, if any elitist sees that question you can expect them to shoot it down. It’s a pretty mixed feeling topic at times.
MF works well, you can do it through two routes or combine them. Go full buffs/boosts and keep your stats you like, or go gear and save on boosts/food etc. Or you can combined all and have around 230MF and go nuts There is some interesting reads in the “loot conspira… drop thread” that was created some time ago when boxes were messed up.
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Yea I definitely notice over a long period of play benefits. But you’re not going to be happy dropping a ton of cash/resources on the gear and comparing individual mob kills. You won’t notice a difference there. And of course – ONLY works on mob drops, not chests (so almost completely useless if all you do is rotate dragon timer camps).
I typically only wear my set out when going for zone completions (considering the amount of kills I have for each heart, etc).
MF gear truly works, I’ve noticed a lot more rares/exotics (until you hit DR)
You need to be using it on farming though, not dungeons
This! Use it to farm events, for 30 minutes at a time. It’s not efficient in dungeons since it doesn’t work on chests and slows everyone down, you’re a lot squishier and deal significantly less damage in MF gear.