Machined staff help

Machined staff help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inkie Pinkie.9458

Inkie Pinkie.9458

Hi, 1 of the items used to make the staff is a Charged Oiled Ancient Staff head made from an Oiled Ancient Staff Head charged at a place of power in Magus Falls. I try to charge the staff head at a place of power and it just tells me Ive communed all I can at the mastery point. Any help would be appreciated. Tks

Machined staff help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Was brought up in the other thread you created. Go to a hero point commune rather than one for a mastery point.

Machined staff help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Evenge.4067


You also must have the collection quest started, meaning you have to have bought the Plated Staff from the DS merchant after meta completion.