Magic find cap?

Magic find cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954


The wiki article only told me how to get magic find, not if there is a cap. I assume it is impossible to get a 100% bonus but what is the cap? Thanks!

Magic find cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Safari.3021


Mines currently 175%

6x explorer armor = 6×3% = 18%
5x accessories = 5×7%(3%+4%each) = 35%
5x Pirate runes = 50%
1x Traveller rune = 10%
1x exquisite opal gem in backpack upgrade slot = 4%
1x traveller weapon = 3%
1x sigil of luck 25 × 0.6% = 15%
omnomberry bar = 30%
guild bonus = 10%

= 175%

I could increase this with a gem bought booster, by 50% and with guild research banners, another 10%

so theoretically, I could get 235%

Magic find cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Yes it is possible to get 100%. From the wiki: “Magic find is an attribute that increases a player’s chance to receive rare loot from drops.”

So if you have a basic change of 1 out of 10 to get a rare item, + 100% magic find will make that a change of 2 out of 10. As far as we know there is no hard cap, just a limitation due to the fact that the amount of available sources for more mf are limiting the max. (even with all weapons, armor and jewels, guild MF-effect and consumable), the amount is not endless.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Magic find cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954


Ah okay, so you don’t have a 100% chance to find an item but just are trice as likely to find an item. Not as powerful as I thought…