Mail from blocked ppl
If someone has blocked you, you won’t be able to whisper them and they can’t see what you say in chat. You can send mail to the person who blocked you. And no, blocking someone doesn’t make either person invisible to the other person; you’ll still see that person’s character in-game if you run into them.
Edit: So yeah, you can’t send mail to the person who blocked you. As was indicated below, you get a message saying that player has you blocked. However, you can still send mail to players you have chosen to block.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
So as i understand, if player blocked you and you will send him the email, you will get message like: “user block you, blablabla…”? Or message just will disappear in space without any notification?
You will be told that you are blocked.
How ever if someone blocked you it might be a hint that none of you should communicate with each other. Just saying
I am just can’t understand. I’ve quarreled with one of my friend, and he blocked me…
I can’t whisper to him, but i sent the email message with my apologies and don’t know, he received this one or not, because there was no “user blocked you” reply.