Making Gold?

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delvianna.8205


Maybe someone can help me here…. I’ve studied the TP for a while now and I’ve looked for possible ways to make money and I’ve run out of ideas…

Problems with the economy….
1) Crafting actually makes you nothing, finished products will actually cost you MORE in ingredients then what you get back so there’s no point in crafting anything for profit. EX: I actually sat for a few hours and went through every single list of armor/chef/weaponsmith recipie to find SOMETHING that would be a profit… didnt find a single thing.

That means the trade post is backwards, ingredients is where I’d make my gold.. that means the only way I would actually make money is if I spent my time farming, over and over and over again which gets seriously old..

Seems like anything I could do to make money requires farming, either selling ingredients, farming dungeons for rewards, farming whatever event is currectly up.. farming.. farming.. farming…

I also looked into AH flipping, I did that for a while actually when the game first came out but now… nope, the stuff that actually sells cheap or gets collected quickly from requests are too close to actually net you a profit. Armor/Weapons won’t make you anything unless your talking about making legendaries, which wouldnt be something someone could do on a daily basis, thats more like a one shot in the park if you ask me.

I’m really tired of my exorbitant amount of time spent is farming, I seriously hate it.. i cant stand it… I’m looking for SOME alternative, and that doesnt include wasting real money either… I want to do something in game that I could craft, or make or flip or whatever to make some type of profit.

Its really depressing when I have to choose between farming and actually doing something fun. 1 days farming = around 5-10g, thats horrible

Anyone got any ideas?

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: WilliamDaBloody.2591


Face it, GW2 is a farm game.

Flipping still works fine. It just requires a bit more effort. But it is still very profitable. But you have to get into the market with much more gold to make some decent profit these days,

Money from crafting? Not really. You an make something out of receipts for which you buy ingeredients with karma. But it requires a lot of time to make money here. It’s more for making gold of out karma (more profitable than orrian boxes) – but it takes forever to get a substantial amout of gold this way.

In the end farming became the most viable way of earning. And that’s the name of the game at the moment – > farm champs.

(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


The point of the game is to have fun.
If you just do that and forget about the gold, you’ll find your wallet stuffs itself.

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


With the new invasion event u should be able to make alot more gold much faster. About 3 weeks ago my gold stash was at 170 and as of today 520 golds just from farmng. Invasion event is actually fun, when u have around 100 players on screen and frame rate slows down and u feel like your computer is gonna explode, maaannn thats something.


Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cranked.3812


With the new invasion event u should be able to make alot more gold much faster. About 3 weeks ago my gold stash was at 170 and as of today 520 golds just from farmng. Invasion event is actually fun, when u have around 100 players on screen and frame rate slows down and u feel like your computer is gonna explode, maaannn thats something.

I agree. I don’t really enjoy farming either, especially the same thing over and over like cof p1. But, the invasion events are really pretty fun to me. It is pretty funny when you get 100+ people on the screen and everything looks like a blur for a little while as said above ^^

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: maleko.5206


You don’t really HAVE to farm in this game to enjoy yourself. If you just participate in events etc then you just collect gold as you go. If you feel the need to farm to enjoy yourself then you are doing something wrong – i.e. stop being so tight and BUY some gems with real gold rather than expect to get everything for nothing handed to you on a silver platter like so many on here seem to. Free to Play does not equal Free for everything you want in the game! if you don’t like the thought of buying things with real world money then be prepared to farm for the gold…that is your decision.

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yiasmath.3190


Well you can try making the follow dungeons:
1) Citadel o Flame Path 1 and 2;
2) Ascalonian Catacombs Path 1 and 3 (make sure to come with one elementalist);
3) Honor of the Waves Path 1.

If you make with a good group, you make around 8~10gold in 01h30m.

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KarateKid.5648


You don’t really HAVE to farm in this game to enjoy yourself. If you just participate in events etc then you just collect gold as you go. If you feel the need to farm to enjoy yourself then you are doing something wrong – i.e. stop being so tight and BUY some gems with real gold rather than expect to get everything for nothing handed to you on a silver platter like so many on here seem to. Free to Play does not equal Free for everything you want in the game! if you don’t like the thought of buying things with real world money then be prepared to farm for the gold…that is your decision.

I have to admit this is very true. I have taken advantage of the Trading Post to flip items (or container contents) a LOT; but running various zergs, the current invasions and/or pavillion zergs, or just flat-out playing a little of EVERYTHING PvE (events, hearts, explorers, puzzles) are – in descending order – probably the least boring of the ways to make gold. Dungeons are in there somewhere, too.

Making Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noodlegotagun.1862


To be honest, I personally have no intent of making legendaries in the forseeable future. I do waht I want, when I want, how I want. And I enjoy the game fine. I can still find exotic pieces, or even low level pieces that look good enough for a cosmetic outfit to show off/RP in, and the stats hunting doesn’t really engage me. I got my ele to 80, and did some farming to get the materials to make her a full berserker’s exotic set, and that was pretty much all the farming I’ve done in this game… ever. I spend most of my time RPing, chatting, or just leveling an alt. If I wasn’t so horrible about spending my money, I’d have a lot more gold than the 21 I have right now. I’m just one of those people that buys on impulse and instantly regrets it. XD

Since I’m not looking towards any potentially expensive gear/goals, I don’t mind how much money I have in my wallet at any point in time. I’m playing to have fun, not to spend hours upon hours running around mining/foraging, champ farming, whatever.

Speaking of that, however. just leveling alts, and gathering EVERYTHING in sight as I simply play the game, levels them faster, AND gives me tons of materials I have no intention of using, that I can make loads of gold off of Every week or so. My advice? Just play the game like you would any other, and your wallet will fill itself without you noticing. It’s supposed to be fun, not a second job.