Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ashkir.6395


Hello everyone! I am currently at level 11 Mastery. I hit 80 not long ago for the first time. I have finished the following so far:

Gliding: Glider Basics, Updraft Use, and Lean Techniques.
Iztel Lore: Bouncing Mushrooms.
Exalted Lore: Exalted Markings
Nuhoch Lore: Nuhoch Hunting and Nuhoch Wallows

For Tyria I only have Pact Commander Pact Mentor and Productive Downtime.

Does anyone have any recommendations what is a useful mastery to work on next?

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Game of Bones.8975

Game of Bones.8975

Look at the end and work forward. It’s easy to spend short-sighted (like I did). I earned 4 points and spent them where I could as opposed saving them and looking at what I wanted to do in the future.
I wish I had worked on my Legendary Crafting line (Pact) before populating some of the others. If you don’t do fractals, shove your points into that crafting or gathering.
I’m working on Ley Line Gliding (HoT) right now. There are quite a few mastery points available once I get that finished.

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ashkir.6395


I’m really enjoying Gliding. I’m thinking of finishing that off, because I like it.

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

For Core Tyria: Focus everything on Pact Commander until finished! After that it depends on if you do fractals and/or want to craft legendaries.
For HoT: After the ones you got, keep going Gliding until Advanced Gliding. After that look at what each rank gives and what you think is useful.

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Obviously everyone is going to have their preferences. If I had to start over again (e.g. if I were stupid crazy enough to start a new account), here’s what I’d do:

  • Unlock gliding
  • Swap to the original maps (especially Fractals or dungeons) to maximize Pact Mastery, for the True™ Autolooting (and in-city speed buffs) — biggest game changer for me.
  • Swap back to HoT maps to get first tiers of other masteries, to unlock shroom jumping, wallow tunneling, & exalted mark porting.
  • Stay in HoT maps to max gliding.
  • Swap to LS3 maps for easy mastery points plus XP.

Remember to make use of various buffs: always have a good and a utility (plenty are vendor price) and kill the ‘yellow’ foes (they are generally untouched by others, so provide lots of bonus currency). Various fireworks also up XP from some/all sources, plus guild buffs, banners, and boosters. See the wiki for the full list.


  1. Max Pact Mastery (core)
  2. Learn the “getting around” masteries (first tiers of the HoT masteries)
  3. Max Gliding
  4. return to forums to ask again, if you don’t already have a plan
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Itz Jay.8941

Itz Jay.8941


Tyria; Recursive resourcing (for daily fractals) > advanced logistics > mistlock singularities > scholar of secrets.

Maguuma; Bouncing mushrooms > exalted markings > nuhoch wallows (must have for tangled depths IMO) > ley line gliding > languages (if you need these earlier, pick them up as and when you need them) > adrenal mushrooms/forsaken magic/nuhoch alchemy (whichever benefits you) > everything else

Masteries! Should I focus on others first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I actuall aimed for the masteries I needed to complete the Elite Weapon collections first, stealth gliding, Exalted gathering and Nuhoch stealth detection.

After that, I maxed out gliding and pact commander first.
