Mini-map rotating

Mini-map rotating

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gammarik.9426



Hi all

When i was playing in the Beta Weekends the mini-map rotation was static, eg. north was always up, and i liked that, but now it is rotating so my player arrow is always facing up. I have never been able to figure out whats north and whats south when the map is rotating. In WoW i had the option to turn it on/off but here i can’t find the option. Can anyone help me with this? Or is this a completely missing feature?

Thank you in advance


Milasta Gandil – Human Thief – 80
Agzea – Sylvari Engineer – 80
We, Team Reem [REEM] on Ruins of Surmia, want you! /w me in-game!

Mini-map rotating

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cortechs.3265



It’s on the bottom right of the mini-map. It will look like an arrow or an arrow with a circle around it, depending on which setting you have.

Mini-map rotating

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azzras.8041


I forget exactly where, but there is a settings feature somewhere that will keep the minimap always facing north.

Mini-map rotating

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gammarik.9426


It’s on the bottom right of the mini-map. It will look like an arrow or an arrow with a circle around it, depending on which setting you have.

Thanks Of coarse it’s the most obvious place
Have a nice day!

Milasta Gandil – Human Thief – 80
Agzea – Sylvari Engineer – 80
We, Team Reem [REEM] on Ruins of Surmia, want you! /w me in-game!