Miniature Collection Set 1

Miniature Collection Set 1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sea Hwang.3170

Sea Hwang.3170

First time posting here, and I am desperate for help! I’ve recently undertaken the task to complete the first miniature set and just realized how unaffordable the exotic miniature pets are.

I know people have already tried requesting help to no avail because of the possibility of foul play. But hear me out. To instill some trust, I wanted to send an in-game letter to whoever will help me with a statement mentioning that Sea Hwang.3170 specifically will not in any way, shape, or form neither scam the other party member nor embezzle his or her possession, which can be used against me if reported to ArenaNet. I fully understand foul play to this degree is ban-worthy, considering that I would be infracting a written agreement, so I am in no way motivated to conduct such behavior.

I can also provide some form of collateral, but being a player of only 2 months, I only have 115 golds to my name. The reason why I want this achievement so badly is because I compulsively need to complete every achievement I start. I have no interest in any of the miniature pets so long as I complete the collection. Thank you so much for your help!

(edited by Sea Hwang.3170)

Miniature Collection Set 1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hawk.3574


I think you will have a hard time convincing anyone to do this even with what you said.

Your best bet would be to find a group of people who want this achievement and start a guild together. Then work on getting a guild bank unlocked and pool x amount of gold each to purchase these exotic minis. After which pass them around through the guild bank then sell them for a loss.

Miniature Collection Set 1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Regardless of what letter you might send another person, ANet considers trades between 2 people as gifts and they won’t intervene if one person scams another doing this. They already said all trading is to be done through the trading post and all person to person trade is at your own risk. This means any letter you send another person has no value.

Post where one person scammed another in a trade:
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Support Liaison
Support will not get involved in these sorts of transactions. Protecting players form scamming is one of the primary reasons that the Trading Post was developed, and those who choose not to use it are in a “buyer or seller beware” situation.
You may report the player, if you wish. However, Support will not attempt to extract and return the item, because it is probably long gone and may now be in the hands of someone who has no idea it initially was stolen.
Please use the Trading Post in the future.
Gaile Gray
Support Liaison
August 22nd, 15:04

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Miniature Collection Set 1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sea Hwang.3170

Sea Hwang.3170

To my understanding, ArenaNet only states that it will not get involved in such situations for liability issues. And the support team handles each situation based on the severity of foul play. I heard a story of a player who crafted a Dawn using his or her guild’s funds only to immediately leave and never return the payment. That player was banned from the game and the guild member received the item back.

I figured if I explicitly state that I will not embezzle the items from the other party member, I would be held accountable and targetable for ban since there is a written agreement that I can’t avoid.

I have a guild member who has all but four of the exotic miniature pets, and I’ve also considered pooling a fund to purchase the remaining pets, but we’d need over 300 gold to accomplish this. To bring the necessary cost per player down, I’d need to organize at least 10 to 15 players, which makes the task equally difficult.

(edited by Sea Hwang.3170)

Miniature Collection Set 1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Taking stuff out of the guild bank (presumably a lot of valuable stuff) then quitting the guild immediately after is quite a different situation to someone giving you one or more valuable items and trusting you to give them back.

Anyway, as I understand it Anet would be under no obligation to honour or enforce an agreeement (verbal or written) between you and another user unless you get them to agree in advance to assuming that role (which they wouldn’t).

And in case anyone’s wondering it wouldn’t hold up in court either because legally all items in this game are Anet’s intellectual property and belong to them at all times. (If I remember correctly it’s also stated somewhere that all items have no real-world value of any kind.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”