Missing POI Malchor's Leap

Missing POI Malchor's Leap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Justin.7163


I’m in need of some assistance.

So on my current character I have her map completion of ML at 36/37 POI’s. I’ve spent over an hour scouring the map and have even looked up multiple online guides but I have had absolutely no luck finding the last POI. I was just wondering if there is some ultra obscure POI somewhere that I just cannot locate or if something funny is going on. I’ve managed to complete ML on three other characters and have never had this much trouble finding all of the POI’s. I know it doesn’t help that I can’t exactly show which ones I’ve located but trust me when I say that I’ve found all the obvious ones.

Missing POI Malchor's Leap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Top right. There’s a dock that is missed sometimes.

Missing POI Malchor's Leap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


There’s one POI directly under Doric’s Waypoint. It can only be seen on map when zoomed completely in. Because you cannot see it in the map on normal zoom, it is easily missed if you just get the WP and don’t enter the camp.

I missed it with my last character and spent quite a lot of time there too trying to figure out what I was missing.

Missing POI Malchor's Leap

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Justin.7163


There’s one POI directly under Doric’s Waypoint. It can only be seen on map when zoomed completely in. Because you cannot see it in the map on normal zoom, it is easily missed if you just get the WP and don’t enter the camp.

I missed it with my last character and spent quite a lot of time there too trying to figure out what I was missing.

Oh wow that was exactly the one! No wonder I couldn’t see it anywhere on the map since it’s covered by a freakin’ waypoint. Many thanks.