Monetization of blogs

Monetization of blogs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ananamoose.8271


So obviously the hot topic at the moment is the YouTube issue, but this brings up another issue: Blogs.

What about those who use GW2 screenshots in blogs that are monetized? If someone could point me in the direction of the answer to that (no idea if it’s in the ToS, I don’t even know where to find the ToS to read it), that’d be lovely. Or if Gaile or someone with a red name could answer that, that’d be cool too.

Dragonof Chaos
Syvari Ranger
“Not all who wander are lost…”

Monetization of blogs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shael.4703


Huh? What “hot topic”? What about YouTube? I find it hard to believe there’s a hot topic about a YouTube issue because I can’t find it here in the official forums or in guru or in some other GW2 sites I visit (not even in other popular gaming portals).

Copy paste please?

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

Monetization of blogs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ananamoose.8271


Huh? What “hot topic”? What about YouTube? I find it hard to believe there’s a hot topic about a YouTube issue because I can’t find it here in the official forums or in guru or in some other GW2 sites I visit (not even in other popular gaming portals).

Copy paste please?

It’s actually been resolved now, but it was in the support forum. Here ya go: I’m only linking this since it can’t be posted in and therefore, can’t be necroed.

I’m assuming the solution for this is the solution for screenshots on blogs as well. It seems it was just a pretty big misunderstanding. Glad it got resolved in a relatively peaceful manner.

Although if anyone has any further information on this, that would be most useful.

Dragonof Chaos
Syvari Ranger
“Not all who wander are lost…”

Monetization of blogs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaae.5719



The topic was being discussed on twitter and reddit. And it was something that was quickly gaining alarm from a number of folks.


From this it seems “team paragigm” made a fairly upset post which got picked up on reddit and sparked some craziness until Gaile Gray made some clarification posts on (1).

Youtuber WoodenPotatoes put together this video response to the twitter and reddit: – It pretty much puts it all together and gives some good explanations of what Ananamoose was writing of.

Anana: judging by the third response from Gaile Gray on (1): I would guess if you’re monetizing to support your fansite/blogsite, it’s ok. [[“we do not take action when fan sites support themselves via ads”]]. <3

edit: ah, sorry. Anana beat me to things!

“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do.
The hard part is doing it.” -Norman Schwarzkopf **

(edited by Kaae.5719)

Monetization of blogs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ananamoose.8271


Kaae you are so wonderful <3 Thanks!

Dragonof Chaos
Syvari Ranger
“Not all who wander are lost…”