Mordrem Husk Copper: AoE vs no AoE tactic
The second, because bubbles actually pop by themselves anyway when they get too close to the husk. And if the offshoots get destroyed, they only put a weak regen buff on the husk. The key to defeating the husk effectively is destroying the bubbles before they get close to the husk.
The second, because bubbles actually pop by themselves anyway when they get too close to the husk. And if the offshoots get destroyed, they only put a weak regen buff on the husk. The key to defeating the husk effectively is destroying the bubbles before they get close to the husk.
Interesting, never thought if it that way. People are always shouting to not use AoE otherwise we destroy the bubbles, but if they pop by themselves people might as well consider using option 2 more often.
Certain bubbles will just travel to the middle of the arena and pop by themselves. At least 2 will move towards the Husk. I’ve commanded Husk a few times and most of the pugs will just camp on the safe spot. A few players will go down, including myself, to hold his aggro and try to keep the bubbles away with fear and whatever else all the while keeping him close into the scrubs in the safe spot. (I’ve had fun with this sometimes by drawing him onto the safe spot and he unleashes his massive overhand attack hehehehe)
The average player cannot be relied on to know the mechanics. Pretty much all I ever see at husk is “NO AOE, NUBS/SCRUBS/NOOBS” etc. but those yelling it have no idea why and they have even less idea that there are ways to get around it.
I kinda want to ask Anet to slightly mod his behaviour so he uses his smash attack more often :p
I kinda want to ask Anet to slightly mod his behaviour so he uses his smash attack more often :p
I pulled the boss to the group of players stacking behind one time, It was bad and funny at the same time. But on more serious note: Azrael, you would go with option 1?
AoE is the better tactic, certain class such as Elementalist with staff relies heavily on AoE to deal damage, telling them not to AoE and spam staff Earth 1 is just extremely inefficient.
Personally I don’t even bother with Copper anymore, knowing that AoE can contribute more than single damage if you can CC/kill bubbles while using your AoE skills but trigger half of the map chat into saying “No AoE noob/troll/you want us to fail?” I’ll go to Gold/Silver where I can contribute without getting yelled at.
Edit: Reddit link with similar discussion, along with a picture of an Anet staff encourage AoE at Copper ages ago.
(edited by KaneZ.4910)
Decent guide to it.
Thank you KaneZ and Olvendred, for I can assume it’s save to use AoE dmg at Copper, as long as people reapply poison and rebuff the regen buff.
I kinda want to ask Anet to slightly mod his behaviour so he uses his smash attack more often :p
I pulled the boss to the group of players stacking behind one time, It was bad and funny at the same time. But on more serious note: Azrael, you would go with option 1?
No, I’d go with option 2 or a variant thereof. Hamstringing players is not the way to do it. The average pug in SW has no situational awareness, so unfortunately it’s down to those of us who do to drive the event towards success.
Im glad to see this post finally got made haha. Ill agree with what others said here. Those screaming not to aoe at all are fools. Its fine to aoe. Its also BETTER if you aoe while ccing the orbs away from him. Like a ranger putting down barrage in order to get procs before using PBS on the orb to knock it away from the husk.
Or a elly using air staff …3? I think in order to knock it back then putting a static field on it before popping that meteor shower or glyph of storms.
Its up to players themselves to make sure that hte orbs dont pop where they shouldnt. And to many people are too lazy to do that. Thus the “no aoe rule” that has ended in so many god awful failures.
Im glad to see this post finally got made haha. Ill agree with what others said here. Those screaming not to aoe at all are fools. Its fine to aoe. Its also BETTER if you aoe while ccing the orbs away from him. Like a ranger putting down barrage in order to get procs before using PBS on the orb to knock it away from the husk.
I’d say, let’s spread the word
I love AoE’ing at Copper and do it whenever possible. I’ve been doing it with my Staff Mesmer lately, so many bouncing orbs everywhere!
Rarely does the game present you an opportunity to properly do an encounter while simultaneously trolling the “bads” who think they’re pro by shouting NO AOE constantly. Win-win, really.
The number of people who are deadset against any and all AoE seems to be dwindling quite a bit lately, though. Good for success rates and overall knowledge, bad for my well-natured trolling.