More info on what happen in dynamic events .

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reis.8256


Sorry if I’m on the wrong forum, but didn’t find another one to write this:

Something that i would like to see in the end of dynamic events, would be a table with the points that players contribute for that happen. We see that in same games, and in the end will give you a better idea how good you end up on that event compare to your team mates. Ending up giving more motivation to end up the event with a better score.

The table could have stuff like:
- Time in the event
- Damage
- Healing or Supporting
- Nº of items gathered…
- Nº of kills

and so on.

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crusher.4708


Argh, NO!
No Damage output, no healing output, no stupid kills & collected items.
The Completion bars are more than fine since they do not pull you out of the experience by adding a generic x/x killed or collected like in other games.
Do not turn events into wow quests!!!
And do not add UI addons like that because they will let you play the UI rather than the game itself.
In my opinion they should even remove the bars and let you look at the Npcs ingame & the situation, look if they need more help or if the centaurs stopped attacking. That would enhance the experience a lot!

(edited by Crusher.4708)

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raithron.1582


Argh, NO!
No Damage output, no healing output, no stupid kills & collected items.
The Completion bars are more than fine since they do not pull you out of the experience by adding a generic x/x killed or collected like in other games.
Do not turn events into wow quests!!!
And do not add UI addons like that because they will let you play the UI rather than the game itself.
In my opinion theyshould even reove the bars and let you look at the Npcs ingame & the situation, look if they need more help or if the centaures stopped attacking. That would enhance the experience a lot!

Exactly, the whole reason for the ‘bar’ is to hide the generic experience most MMO’s offer.


More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reis.8256


The idea of the table, would be to be shown only in the end of the event, so you can get a idea what happen there. You should not have access to it during the same.

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skugga.5298


If you want competitive play I think you should try Pvp ; )
I’m sure if tables like that get added you will see people starting to call eachother names because they did not end in the top of the list.

But that’s my opinion : )

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


The idea of the table, would be to be shown only in the end of the event, so you can get a idea what happen there. You should not have access to it during the same.

Yes, then every event will go like this:

“OMG $*!&#^ kill kill kill!!!”

“OMG #(*&!^# heal heal heal!!!!”

:OMG (@*&$ faster faster faster!!"

It will become about getting a better number rather than having fun helping the citizens of Tyria and becoming a legend.

Sorry, I don’t want my game to be like that. You should try structured PvP :-) press N and it will tell you how well you’re doing. How’s that?

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


The idea of the table, would be to be shown only in the end of the event, so you can get a idea what happen there. You should not have access to it during the same.

Yes, then every event will go like this:

“OMG $*!&#^ kill kill kill!!!”

“OMG #(*&!^# heal heal heal!!!!”

:OMG (@*&$ faster faster faster!!"

It will become about getting a better number rather than having fun helping the citizens of Tyria and becoming a legend.

Sorry, I don’t want my game to be like that. You should try structured PvP :-) press N and it will tell you how well you’re doing. How’s that?

I disagree I would love to see stats at the end of events. Keep track of how well my toon is progressing and which areas I need to focus on.

I’ve never played wow so stop with that.

If someone lets stats at the end of an ever kill their fun then they probably aren’t having fun to begin with, or just don’t look at them. +1 for OP’s idea.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Oh yeah and there is no holy trinity, so it would t be heal heal heal kill kill. It would just be people playing their toons how they want and getting to track how their toon performs. I would love to know how much damage my toon is putting out compared to other classes or the same class.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Utena.8052


i do like stats but.. its fine the way it is

Axis Of Twlight [Dark]
Henge Of Denravi

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bruebakerr.9035


Agreed, no real need to change it. I remember they had this feature in Rift for a while where you had a scorecard showing your rating during each phase of the dynamic rifts.

However (someone correct me if I’m wrong), they removed the scorecard. Probably for similar reasons that people were using it solely for justification.

I like that I can approach quest and events from different methods from others. Since each person’s play style is unique there shouldn’t be a universal scorecard. Leave that stuff in WoW and other MMOs. Case in point, raiding in WoW used to be fun until it was reduced to a Gear Score and “My DPS is better than yours”.

It should be about skill, fun not number counting. A set number does not equal skill. Given enough time, any monkey can "earn enough points, marks, trophies (or insert your favorite “counter”) for “X, Y, or Z” gear.

<<<stands down from the soap box>>>

I see dumb people everyday…..
I only have to look in the mirror.

More info on what happen in dynamic events .

in Players Helping Players

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