Most forgiving profession if...

Most forgiving profession if...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Disturbed.9305


I suck at dodging.

Just looking for a few opinions here. No need to tell me to l2p or that I suck, I know that already =D

I was curious what people felt the most forgiving class was for those that are weak at dodging.

Most forgiving profession if...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Probably Guardian, they have alot of auto blocking (ageis), also alot of healing and protection of one sort or another.

I would have also said thief because they could stealth to safety but Anet nerfed that this month…

Most forgiving profession if...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Labyrinth.7201


My wife and I both play guardian. I am a exp player of MMO’s and she’s still learning. While I can dodge just fine, she still has a hard time watching for mob patters and learning when to dodge. I would say with the proper build you can face tank easier than you could with any other class. ((((I am not saying you can face tank the entire fight, but it is a more forgiving)))) With an AH build, your shouts heal you and other players. Build this and if you miss a dodge or two, you can recover pretty quick during the heat of battle. Hope this helps.

Venom Skylift – Human Guardian
Crystal Desert

Most forgiving profession if...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The guardian does work pretty well. Mine is the stupid kind that just attacks everything with her very big sword. It works for her most of the time.

Another that I found easy (for me) is the Mesmer. I didn’t dodge with her, but I did run a circle around the victim if the fight was harder than average. She also runs around with a greatsword.

I am still not that great at dodging, but the dailies have force me to start to learn. Thankfully dodging in a fight is easier than getting the achievement. In a fight it is good enough to get out of the way in time, even if it is a tiny bit ‘too soon’.

Most forgiving profession if...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Necromancer is probably the most forgiving scholar – I am usually too lazy to dodge in Orr, standing in the middle of 3-5 mobs running a condition/wells build works just fine

At early levels, anything with some sort of pet works fairly well though – necro minions might be stupid as all hell, but they are quite useful at diverting attention from you long enough to kill most mobs before they come close enough to hurt you Also, rangers with bear pets.

But yeah, if you like melee and heavily armored professions, just go with a guardian. They do have a *load of boons.

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