Most fun profession

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izamar.4260


Hey there, I know there have been many topics with the same question, but I am still undecided what to play. I want something fun, something which is fun and interesting for a long time. What I dont care about is, how powerfull or good the profession is, I just want to have fun! What profession feels the best? Feels fluid?
I do not mind a challenge!
I will propably be doing alot of PVE and a little PVP on the side. (Mostly solo)
And if there are any professions you would not reccommend please tell me!
I hope all of you have a great day!

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: moony.5780


I think ele or thief is nice but ele is better with a team..but have sooo many combos and different builds so when u feel bored just switch ur build and it feels really new again for me i play the ele for 2 years and its not getting boring^^ (just annoying to use extremly much skills all the time)

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

Elememtalist. D/F especially.

It really depends on how you want to play PvE. If you want to use optimised builds in most group content, I personally would not use the scepter or the staff, as the metabuilds for those are as exciting as a GS camp warrior with half your skills blanked out.

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izamar.4260


Thanks for your answers already!
What would be fun builds for Elementalist? And do you have any tips for me regarding elementalist?

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheBandit.7031


I disagree with ele… all the fun aspects of an ele are gone now. It has almost no mobility now. My ele has just been gathering dust. It used to be a lot of fun though.

I would say engineer. Turrets are just so fun

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izamar.4260


Why are all fun aspects gone now? :o

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheBandit.7031


My beautiful ride the lightning and all the cantrips just get nerfed more and more
If i was bored I always knew parkouring around with ride the lightning would keep me busy but now the cooldown is just too long >.>

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izamar.4260


That certainly is annoying :s Is the profession still worth playing?

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheBandit.7031


Well the elementalist still can deal a lot of damage and makes a deadly glass cannon. Staff ele is still pretty fun in WvW as well and good in dungeons. I wouldn’t recommend it as a first level 80 though, or even a second.

Most fun profession

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Posted by: Hattoni.8597


Well the elementalist still can deal a lot of damage and makes a deadly glass cannon. Staff ele is still pretty fun in WvW as well and good in dungeons. I wouldn’t recommend it as a first level 80 though, or even a second.

Why you don’t recommend ele as first char? I know that playing heavy classes is much easier, but if he want challenege, why not to pick hardcore class like elementalist? I also picked ele as a first, after trying heavies, which seem booring as hell and I think I made a right choice. I think challenge is much more fun than easy mode?. But that’s only my opinion.

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheBandit.7031


If he wants a challenge that’s one thing, but he said he wanted a fun class, and I don’t consider an ele to be that fun anymore.
I also find the elementalist to be a bit boring these days, so it wouldn’t be a very fun road to 80. That’s just my opinion on it though, others probably disagree.

(edited by TheBandit.7031)

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izamar.4260


What other professions would you recommend to play?

Most fun profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hattoni.8597


If he wants a challenge that’s one thing, but he said he wanted a fun class, and I don’t consider an ele to be that fun anymore.
I also find the elementalist to be a bit boring these days, so it wouldn’t be a very fun road to 80. That’s just my opinion on it though, others probably disagree.

In my opinion challenge is a part of what makes class fun. Let’s look at traditional tank, so something similar to bunker guardian – you basically don’t die, but it’s only about standing and taking aggro, while being caster (or any other cloth-leather armor class) means much faster and dynamic game. I’m not very experienced GW2 player yet, so I might be wrong. From most to least fun (classes only, without builds):

1. Engineer
2. Elementalist
3. Mesmer
5. Necromancer
6. Ranger
7. Warrior
8. Guardian

But still, it’s only my personal opinion, someone else might find other classes enjoyable.