Most populated EU Server
If you are a PvE player, it doesn’t matter which server you are on since we have a mega server now. Your home server will only affect WvW. The most populated servers are probably Seafarer’s Rest, Desolation and language specific Kodash and Jade Sea.
If you want to choose based on WvW performance, you can check this link
I just recently started playing Guild Wars 2,
Welcome to Guild Wars 2.
and one of things that really bothers me while playing any MMO is seeing the chat dead or zones without any players at all.
It bothers a lot of people, which was one of the reasons ANet implemented the megaserver system (probably the main one was: it’s a more efficient use of their resources, too).
You’ll find some unpopular zones (for a variety of reasons) that, for most of the day will be low-pop, but generally speaking, megaserver means that there will always be people in your instance, unless it was just created — if the pop gets too low, the instance will be absorbed into others (people do get a chance to leave voluntarily though).
Right now I’m just “testing” around a bit, but I wanted know what is the most populated EU server at the moment? Which one do guilds recruit most, or where are they and players most active?
- You can find the most populated server in any given moment by using the ‘guest’ button from the character select screen. Once you get a choice of worlds, sort by population.
- There’s no way to determine the one that has the most guilds recruiting.
- There’s no way to determine “most active” — whichever world you are in will have active maps.
Even with the Megaserver system, it seems some still value a single server over people from “anywhere”.
People value that because they are used to other games where ‘server’ or ‘world’ or ‘realm’ matters a lot. In GW2, ‘world’ only affects which ‘team’ you play for in WvW. It has a small and difficult-to-measure effect on who you play with in the open world.
I’m more of a PVE player, I love to explore a zone, love being part of events, Dev and Community driven, but I never got into PVP much.
The megaserver system is perfect for you then.
Once again, welcome to the game.