Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


I pretty much set my mouse up for movement.I have a the mouse with the buttons on

the side so I assigned jump and dodge to those.As far as the keyboard

goes,I use the number keys to attack.Any Veterans out there care to share their mouse

and keyboard layout ? If there’s a better mouse and keyboard layout available for

better gameplay I would appreciate the info….thanks and yes I’m a noob lol.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Well whatever works is best

I personally use mouse4, q, e, r, t for heal, utilities and elite

ctrl m4, q, e, r for class mechanic buttons

mouse5 to dodge

everything else is default

Welcome to my world –

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Manoa.5897


It’s all about personal preference and comfort what will work for some may not necessarily work for you. But seeing other people’s set-ups can certainly help give you ideas on what is possible.

Below is my current set-up. I have a Logitech G600 mouse, so any mention of “G” keys refers to the keys on this particular mouse (I give preference to the mouse thumb keys during gameplay). This set-up allows me to keep my right hand on my mouse and my left hand positioned on the home keys with very little extra hand movement required.

Up: W
Down: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turning: A combo of the above movement keys and holding down my right mouse button to pan the camera
Jump: Default (space bar)
Dodge: G14 (corresponds to rough position of Mouse 4 on mice with only two side buttons)

Weapon skills: Default (1-5 keys)
Weapon swap: G11 (corresponds to rough position of Mouse 5 on mice with only two side buttons)
Self Heal: Mouse 3 (scroll wheel)
Utility Skill 1: Z / G15
Utility Skill 2: X / G16
Utility Skill 3: C / G17
Elite Skill: V / G19

Profession Skills
Prof Skill 1: F1 / G9
Prof Skill 2: F2 / G12
Prof Skill 3: F3 / G10
Prof Skill 4: F4 / G13

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brullyra.1592


Forward – W
Strafe Left / Right – Q/E
Jump – Space
Interact – Tab
Skill 1(autofire) – Caps lock
Heal – D
Utilities – R/F/T
Elite – G
F1 bound to shift
F2 bound to A
Select enemy – Mouse forward
Dodge – Mouse back
Swap – Middle Mouse

Might sound wierd, but little finger control Shift, Caps and tab
Thumb lives on jump
Other 3 fingers on movement and jump up to weapon skills as required
Right thumb on mouse dodges and selects nearest mob

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wizzard.1295


WASD , weapon skills (1-5), F1-F4, jump, weapon swap stay the same
mouse tilt left – #7
mouse tilt right – #8
mouse forward – #9
mouse back – elite
middle click – heal

(edited by wizzard.1295)

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Thanks for the feedback.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


My mouse (G400) is set up to allow me to do basic gameplay 1 handed:
L and R as normal, middle button is auto-attack.
The button in front of it is Ctrl+Alt (for exploring),
The button behind is F,
And the one furthest back is auto-run.
The two side buttons are inventory and Hero panel.

My keyboard is pretty much the default set-up except I moved jump to \ I’m left handed so this allows me to comfortably use both W and jump with my right hand while turning with the mouse.

I also moved Dodge to Z for the same reason (easily within reach when using WASD, but I might move it to avoid jump/dodge mix-ups).

My set-up is a constant work-in-progress though. Whenever I find a key inconvinient or uncomfortable I change it. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get it right.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Using a five button mouse, I have this setup:

Mouse Wheel = Call Target
Forward = Weapon Swap
Back = Vent/TS PTT

F1-F4 (default)
W = forward
A = back
S = strafe left
D = strafe right
Q = healing skill
E = elite skill
Z = Left Utility
X = Middle Utility
C = Right Utility

  • Combat was where some of the controls didn’t feel right for me, so I organized it in a way that I could reach the controls without second guessing myself and pay more attention to the fight.
  • I still use double tap for dodge because it’s harder for me to press two different buttons to dodge. Also, this gives me a free key to use for something else if I wanted.
  • Using tilda “~” for weapon swap felt clunky to me because I would always mix it up with 1 without looking.
  • Ctrl T for target is another two button nightmare, so it made sense for me to put it on the mouse since I’m clicking for a target anyways.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


WASD for movement. Left and right click default (target and turn)

Mouse (Logitech G600):
G9/Gshift G9 = attack 1/7
G10/Gshift G10 = attack 2/8
G11/Gshift G11 = attack 3/9
G12/Gshift G12 = attack 4/0
G13/Gshift G13 = attack 5/nothing
G14 = F1
G15 = heal
G16 = F2
G17 = F3
G18/19 = DPI up and down
G20 = F4


Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuLor.2840


As others have said, it’s pretty much whatever works well for you. I like what I have.
1-5 weapon skills F1-F4 profession abilities, space jump (default)
WS forward and back, AD strafing, mouse to turn
C,V,B for utilities
E for Eliet and Q for heal
X for weapon swap, shift for dodge

This pretty much lets me keep my left hand in place and reach all the important movement and combat keys.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I decided pretty quickly I didn’t like how much left-hand movement was required to hit the rest of the skills, but I also like having the full six-button movement setup (‘cause sometimes I’ll be trying to eat while I travel, etc.). So:

Movement: W/S/Q/E
Turn: A/D/Mouse
Jump: Space
Dodge: Mouse 4/Mouse 5
Weapon Skills: 1-5
Weapon Swap: F
Heal: H
Utility: R/V/G + Elite: X
Profession Skills: Alt + 1-4
Action: T

I use both my side-mouse buttons for Dodge because their positioning is a little awkward… but I can’t complain too much since I scored it at work when somebody got canned and left it behind.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


I use 1-5 for weapon skills, 6 for heal, v,b,p for uttilities, and 9 for elite. But I use a steelseries merc so it makes sense.

Mouse wise its the mostly standard, bar the thumb buttons are used for “target closest enemy” and “call out target”.

It really depends on mouse and keyboard used. I always try to use my keyboard for “moves” and mouse for movement. Basically separate the two on some level.

Not sure if this is just a PVP player thing, but remove the turn buttons, just unbind them. Seems strange at first, but in the long run its better.

Oh, and I also use C for dodge, and untick the double tap to dodge. I prefer to know exactly when I want to use dodge, and I kept double pressing by mistake.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i used to have
-skills 1-5 on 1-5
-skills 6-0 on ctrl+1-5
-dodge on V

but now i got a logitech g600 that solves everything
-skills 1-5 on 1-5
-skills 6-0 on my mouse
-prof skills f1-f4 also on mouse
-scoreboard on mouse
-inventory, hero panel, map on mouse
-ui blending + screenshooting on mouse
-tradingpost, guildpanel and friendlist on mouse
-winamp next/previous song on mouse

holy kitton g600 ftw

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gandolfi.1507


I use a Razer Naga mouse with the 12 buttons on the side. I’ve set the mouse up to handle all movement as follows:

1 = dodge left
2 = dodge right
3 = dodge forward
4 = dodge back
5 = strafe left
6 = strafe right

then 7, 8, 9, 0 = skills

11 = S for walking backward

12 = Ctrl-T for calling targets

My keyboard setup is pretty much as standard, except that I’ve switched ‘r’ to look behind which is useful for checking if someone is sneaking up on you in WvW. It’s a Razer keyboard though and has a few macro keys down the side which I’ve set with chat functions to switch between /say, /map and /guild with a single keypress.

Oh – and ‘thanks’ and ‘np’ which are handy for being polite when someone rezzes you in a fight. Finally, for a laugh, I have a key which makes my char shout ‘Brave Sir Robin!’ for when we are running away from a champion etc…

Godrik Gandolfi – human warrior; Lucius Foestabber – charr reaper
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Gandolfi.1507)

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Melanis.8309


1,2,3,4,5 = alt, c, e, x, r
6, 7, 8 and 9 = q, 3, M5, M4 (mouse side buttons) and 1
F1, F2, F3, F4 = shift+E, shift+C, shift+X, shift+R
dodge = shift+spacebar
swap weapons = ctrl

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: youlostthegame.8102


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, caps lock, q, e, r, s for my action bar
w = forward
a = strafe left
s = elite skill
d = strafe right
I can click my mouse wheel sideways so I have that for f1 and f2 then I have a shift mod thingy on my mouse so shift + mouse wheel to the side is f3 and f4. Mouse button 4 is dodge. The mouse is Roccat kone +.

shift + a = target next target
shift + s = swap weapons.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Wow, my set-up has changed a lot since I posted in this thread.

I now use the number pad for combat, with heal on 0 (because it’s a big, easy to find button) and the attack, utility and elite skills in order (which means skill 7 is on 6, 8 on 7 and so on). Then around that:
. = next enemy
enter = dodge
+ = weapon swap
and the top row are the 4 f keys

Since I’m left-handed this means I can use my right hand to do all the combat controls and have my thumb on the arrow keys to move.

My left hand pretty much stays on the mouse, which is still my G400 but with the two side buttons set to toggle right click on (so I don’t have to hold the button down when running around) and dodge, the two in the middle set to auto-run and F and the one down the front sent to open my inventory.

Then I have another cluster for non-combat situations. WASD to move (or Q,W,E,S really since I use the mouse to turn),
\ = jump
z = about face
x = dodge
c = stow weapon
v = town clothes
and ctrl + alt to find things.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AinSoph.5063


12345 – Weapon Skills
t, g, v – Utility Skills
q – Healing Skill
e – Elite Skill
Mousebutton – Dodge
Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3, Shift+4 – Class Mechanics
wasd = move(no Turn bound, just strafes)

Works for me, it’s a nice enclosed circle of buttons, never have to move my hand!

—Ain Soph— Warrior
—Fort Aspenwood—

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


qezxc – Weapon Skills
12345 – Slot Skills (Healing, Utility, Elite)
F1-F4 – Class Mechanic
MouseWheel – Dodge
wasd – Movment, Strafe

Standard 2 button mouse with wheel. I almost always have right-click held to have my character follow the cammera.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noodlegotagun.1862


I use everything just as it is, aside from the horribly placed function key abilities, to which I have bound a new keybind for Shift + 1-4. Makes getting to these abilities exponentially easier, and involves much less thought for me. Makes playing my Ele and mesmer a breeze.

I also have a Razer naga, so it helps, I can keep my fingers on the movement keys and I only have to press shift with my left hand, and the button I want is under my right thumb. XD expensive mouse, but totally worth every penny. Especially for MMO’s.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warjin.8942


Mouse Button In = Select Target
Mouse Wheel Forward = Dodge (Razer Naga Program)
Mouse Wheel Back = Heal (Razer Naga Program)
All skills on my 12 mouse buttons, leaving my keyboard movement for my left hand, more control because I don’t ever have to move my left hand from movement keys.

Mouse and Keyboard layout ? care to share ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tribio.8531


(I’m running an AZERTY keyboard layout, btw)

Forward: Z
Back: S
Left: Q
Right: D
Strafing I do by holding down RMB and pressing left/right
Dodge: V
Look behind: W
180° turn: X

Weapon skills: 1-5
Heal: Alt
Utilties: A, E, R
Elite: Ctrl

MouseButton3: Autorun
MouseButton4: Loot (alternative to F)
MouseButton5: Call target

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe