Mouse turning backwards???

Mouse turning backwards???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: theinvader.1935


So normally I play using my trackpad and arrow keys to move; scrolling left while holding the forward arrow turned my character to the left and vice versa. This was working swimmingly in the 32-bit client but I switched to the 64 to avoid crashes. Now all of my visual setting are weird; the interface is enormous even on the small setting, my camera turns the opposite direction of the direction I scroll in and the scroll goes almost all the way around my character at the tiniest movement. I can’t fight and can barely move around like this. If anyone knows how to adjust the settings please help me out

Mouse turning backwards???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Well to ask the obvious, have you hit F11 to bring up the controls options? You can set the interface size and define your keys to do whatever you want.