Moving 'compact' option
It’s easy to accidentally compact your inventory and move your stuff all over the place when you meant to deposit all collectibles.
I don’t understand why you needed a thread if you don’t care where the button is though. Just ignore the option and let other people use it.
why you needed a thread if you don’t care where the button is though.
I said I didn’t understand, not that I didn’t care.
Reading is hard.
Btw, lol at your reason, if that’s true, clearly people don’t understand how invisible bags work.
Why are you insulting people for an unintended UI decision? Anet fixed the mistake, just move along.
Whats wrong with you?
I asked a question, because I didn’t understand. You came to my thread, implying things I never said.
Anyway, it looks like you answered my question, even if indirectly. ‘Unintended’ only makes sense if you didn’t know how bags worked. Was probably easier to give people like you the option then to wait for you to figure out how the bag system worked.
just move along.
A lot of people found themselves accidentally hitting ‘compact’ when they meant to hit ‘deposit’, and they’ve been asked for this change for a very long time, probably since launch but I didn’t bother looking that far back when I did a Google search. Definitely since early 2013.
For many of us using special bags to avoid accidentally compacting the inventory isn’t a practical option. Reasons vary but in my case it’s partially because I have a ‘quick slot’ bar at the bottom of my first bag for things I use frequently like boosters and salvage kits. Because it’s the first bag it’s really not practical to make it a special one just to stop those items moving. I also have other things I keep in other places of my inventory which don’t fit in with the special bags I use – until this option came along I was keeping expensive gem store items in an oiled bag along with junk drops – which seems completely contradictory.
But, as the name implies, it’s an option; something Anet recognises some players want and others don’t. I never use a lot of the options, like ‘always show my name’ or ‘snap ground target to current target’ but I accept that presumably other people find them useful. Equally I wouldn’t want to play without AoE looting and auto-looting but I assume there are people who keep them off.
In this case it was made an option because the most frequent objection to requests to separate the two was that other people use both and love being able to click them in quick succession.
This way, so far as I’m aware, both groups are happy.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I don’t see what the problem is with them adding an option. Just because you don’y need or want that option doesn’t make those who do idiots. Drop the superior attitude. It’s not needed.
I use invisible bag slots and I like the compact button where it is, I’ve never accidentally clicked something I didn’t mean to. But clearly other people have. And if there are people who don’t need the compact button that much then why shouldnt they be able to have it moved down and out of the way? I used the compact button a lot and my bags mean I don’t have to worry about it, but that doesn’t mean its the same for everyone, and it doesn’t make those people stupid…
Whats the point of selecting this from the options menu? Whats the rationale/idea behind it?
Sorry I just don’t see the difference between where it is if I leave it and what happens if I select the option to move it.
Long story short, regular GW2 twitch streamer posted an excerpt of a stream on YouTube where they go off on a purposely over the top rant after they missed and hit compact. Someone then posted it to reddit and then someone linked the reddit thread here. Now from the comments on the twitcher’s stream, youtube, reddit and here caught the eye of ANet’s Guild Chat host Rubi who for curiosity sake asked how difficult it would be to separate the send to collections and compact selections in the dropdown, found out it was easy and announced on that Friday’s Guild Chat that something would be done about it. That was roughly 3 weeks ago.
Now the twitch streamer who’s video rant kicked this off was aghast that ANet took their passive/aggressive rant seriously since those options were always next to each other since launch or before and asked them not to shaft others who use the proximity to double tap send/compact. So instead of not doing it at all after announcing they would or moving the compact down for everyone, they took a page from the cute little Ortega girl and said “why not both”.
It’s a minor QoL issue solved, solved quickly once it was very publicly brought to their attention (I think the official GuildWars2 twitch channel was hosting the streamer when the incident originally happened) and anybody or programs for a living knows that was really a trivial change that wouldn’t impact anything longterm they were working on at the time.
It still ticked people off, like yourself it seems, with some trying to equate the work required for that “fix” to as the same as a slew of much more complex issues like adding Dx12 support to the game engine or any one of a thousand personal crusades.
In the end it’s there, default means nothing changed, if it’s an issue for someone, they now have a check box to make it a non issue.
Honestly, why does it matter to you. Nothing changed on the drop down. Talk about looking for a fish to fry.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
I have 70 of my bagslots occupied with Gear, weapon, food, trinkets, toys, sige for wvw, keys for all sorts of chests, tonics, tools, marks and what not. I have all those 70 items placed in my bags exactly as i want them. Roughly a few times a week when i want to deposit something i missclicked compact instead which meant that my whole backpack now looked like world war 3, and i had to spend 20 min sorting them out again. This was a very annoying thing, and it happens to a lot of players like me who like to have their backpack sorted.
For us the changes are like heaven. I do not missclick anymore and my bags are what i want them to be and i don’t get frustrated several times a week.
Wow. That was super interesting to read! Never would have known. It irks me a little that they’re so willing to make a change based on one twitch streamers issue (when there are a lot of other issues brought up in the forums or written about in detail elsewhere on the internet that are ignored and shouldn’t be). But really interesting nonetheless! I’m glad they didn’t just outright change it, would have been frustrating not having compact so close to deposit for me xD.
Wow. That was super interesting to read! Never would have known. It irks me a little that they’re so willing to make a change based on one twitch streamers issue (when there are a lot of other issues brought up in the forums or written about in detail elsewhere on the internet that are ignored and shouldn’t be). But really interesting nonetheless! I’m glad they didn’t just outright change it, would have been frustrating not having compact so close to deposit for me xD.
I never understood people argue this way. I mean how are anything going to change? What you feel is important others don’t. So if they fix something that you want, then that is the right thing? What about the people that don’t care at all about what you feel is important? Does it mean they fixed the wrong things? What would be the most important then and who decide?
Isn’t the most important thing that they DO change stuff? It might not be your thing, but it is a thing they change, which they should have credit for.
Maybe it’s not about how important something is rather how easy it is to fix something.
And maybe that fix was kinda easy to do so they did it right away.
Wow. That was super interesting to read! Never would have known. It irks me a little that they’re so willing to make a change based on one twitch streamers issue (when there are a lot of other issues brought up in the forums or written about in detail elsewhere on the internet that are ignored and shouldn’t be). But really interesting nonetheless! I’m glad they didn’t just outright change it, would have been frustrating not having compact so close to deposit for me xD.
I never understood people argue this way. I mean how are anything going to change? What you feel is important others don’t. So if they fix something that you want, then that is the right thing? What about the people that don’t care at all about what you feel is important? Does it mean they fixed the wrong things? What would be the most important then and who decide?
Isn’t the most important thing that they DO change stuff? It might not be your thing, but it is a thing they change, which they should have credit for.
That’s not at all what I’m saying. I agree that just because the change isn’t important or doesn’t impact me doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be changed, and I’ve said as much. Perhaps if you read my post earlier in the thread you would have a complete understanding of what I was saying?
What I was pointing out in that post is that I take issue with Arenanet making a change based purely on the happenings/rantings of a twitch streamer. People are continually bringing up issues and quality of life changes that would help the game, so it seems really strange to me that in a sea of really great suggestions one of the few that gets attention and action is because of a single player?
Obviously it is important for Arenanet to listen to their players and make changes based on feedback. The fact that they made this particular change in such an unobtrusive way is great! I absolutely support they way they did that. It just makes me wary when the only people who seem to have voices are the ones who aren’t actually representing the majority of the playerbase.
Wow. That was super interesting to read! Never would have known. It irks me a little that they’re so willing to make a change based on one twitch streamers issue (when there are a lot of other issues brought up in the forums or written about in detail elsewhere on the internet that are ignored and shouldn’t be). But really interesting nonetheless! I’m glad they didn’t just outright change it, would have been frustrating not having compact so close to deposit for me xD.
I never understood people argue this way. I mean how are anything going to change? What you feel is important others don’t. So if they fix something that you want, then that is the right thing? What about the people that don’t care at all about what you feel is important? Does it mean they fixed the wrong things? What would be the most important then and who decide?
Isn’t the most important thing that they DO change stuff? It might not be your thing, but it is a thing they change, which they should have credit for.
That’s not at all what I’m saying. I agree that just because the change isn’t important or doesn’t impact me doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be changed, and I’ve said as much. Perhaps if you read my post earlier in the thread you would have a complete understanding of what I was saying?
What I was pointing out in that post is that I take issue with Arenanet making a change based purely on the happenings/rantings of a twitch streamer. People are continually bringing up issues and quality of life changes that would help the game, so it seems really strange to me that in a sea of really great suggestions one of the few that gets attention and action is because of a single player?
Obviously it is important for Arenanet to listen to their players and make changes based on feedback. The fact that they made this particular change in such an unobtrusive way is great! I absolutely support they way they did that. It just makes me wary when the only people who seem to have voices are the ones who aren’t actually representing the majority of the playerbase.
I did read that, and even though you now also pointed it out for the second time, my post still stand. They made a change and should have credit for it. It was important for us, a streamer made it visible, A-Net changed.
You think they should priority the things you feel are important and that they should be able to make them before or without a streamer makes it visible.
My point is still that no matter how you turn it, it simply comes down to that they change it, and should have credit for it and we could also be happy that they actually paid attention to this little thing. They could have ignored this request as well, kitten many other requests and we can keep on saying Jees thank you A-Net forever.
But to be fair, it probably came out more harsh then it should have. I just feel that they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t, and they never get credit if they actually do good stuff,. They kind of only get Jees TY A-Net to everything.
That is not your fault though
That’s not at all what I’m saying. I agree that just because the change isn’t important or doesn’t impact me doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be changed, and I’ve said as much. Perhaps if you read my post earlier in the thread you would have a complete understanding of what I was saying?
What I was pointing out in that post is that I take issue with Arenanet making a change based purely on the happenings/rantings of a twitch streamer. People are continually bringing up issues and quality of life changes that would help the game, so it seems really strange to me that in a sea of really great suggestions one of the few that gets attention and action is because of a single player?
Obviously it is important for Arenanet to listen to their players and make changes based on feedback. The fact that they made this particular change in such an unobtrusive way is great! I absolutely support they way they did that. It just makes me wary when the only people who seem to have voices are the ones who aren’t actually representing the majority of the playerbase.
That video was simply a catalyst that generated a lot of comments about this on Twitch, YouTube, Reddit and these forums over a very short span of time. So its not ANet listening to the streamer but to the discussion that streamer’s video generated on the topic.
Next question is who determines which people represent the majority of the playerbase? It’s not like we have an elected advisory body of players like EVE has.
RIP City of Heroes
As I mentioned earlier in this thread people have been bringing up this issue and requesting exactly this fix for it for years. Probably since the game came out.
Speaking as one of the people who requested it (and has requested numerous other changes too) I don’t care that 1 streamer brought it to their attention. I’m happy it got changed no matter how it came about.
There are also numerous examples of them making changes based on things posted in this forum (for example when dailies were changed from their original static list because people here complained they were boring, and then changed again because people complained there was too much to do and it took too long) and based on things posted on Reddit and probably all kinds of other places.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Wow. That was super interesting to read! Never would have known. It irks me a little that they’re so willing to make a change based on one twitch streamers issue (when there are a lot of other issues brought up in the forums or written about in detail elsewhere on the internet that are ignored and shouldn’t be). But really interesting nonetheless! I’m glad they didn’t just outright change it, would have been frustrating not having compact so close to deposit for me xD.
I never understood people argue this way. I mean how are anything going to change? What you feel is important others don’t. So if they fix something that you want, then that is the right thing? What about the people that don’t care at all about what you feel is important? Does it mean they fixed the wrong things? What would be the most important then and who decide?
Isn’t the most important thing that they DO change stuff? It might not be your thing, but it is a thing they change, which they should have credit for.
That’s not at all what I’m saying. I agree that just because the change isn’t important or doesn’t impact me doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be changed, and I’ve said as much. Perhaps if you read my post earlier in the thread you would have a complete understanding of what I was saying?
What I was pointing out in that post is that I take issue with Arenanet making a change based purely on the happenings/rantings of a twitch streamer. People are continually bringing up issues and quality of life changes that would help the game, so it seems really strange to me that in a sea of really great suggestions one of the few that gets attention and action is because of a single player?
Obviously it is important for Arenanet to listen to their players and make changes based on feedback. The fact that they made this particular change in such an unobtrusive way is great! I absolutely support they way they did that. It just makes me wary when the only people who seem to have voices are the ones who aren’t actually representing the majority of the playerbase.
Players had been posting the issue before. Sometimes seeing the immediate initial reaction can show the issue in a different light. They saw that the player had to then stop and reorganize their bag before they got more loot which only complicate matters.
They made it an optional move because they realize that some people actually liked that the buttons were right next to each other.