My Insane PVP Mesmer build! w/ Guide
Also feel free to post your builds here and we can discuss them
This is pretty much the same build I am running except with different traits. A few things I prefer differently (not saying its better as your build is good) I prefer the clones on dodge in the dueling the tree. Also the trait that killing illusions places conditions on your foes, as mobs and players always attack illusions at one time or another. I am rocking the mind wrack trait 20%cdamage just like you are, and I have the extra Crit on mind wrack, which I think I am actually going to switch because I am at about the same Crit level as you 45% so it’s now going to not make much of a difference for extra Crit on mind wrack. How is the extra damage on phantasms working out for you? I hesitate to spec into that because how easily they die and how often I end up Shattering (shattering for me does wonders and I get some great results in pvp and pve) usually keep phantasms up for a volley or 2 then shatter as they usually get wrecked by Aoe pretty quickly. I love mirror image an instant 2 clones is great for shatter/get away without using your abilities. And I use decoy which works well for me, and phantasmal defender, I tried signet of domination like you have and the stun is great, but the cool down kind of sucks, how’s it working for you?
Overall seems like a very good and solid build
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Anyone complaining about our dueling potential right now is just being silly. I’d consider shuffling points from illusion and chaos to pick up phantasmal strength. If you’re doing structured you may also want to consider null field for your team depending on whose bring what. I prefer the sigils of air and earth over the crit chance personally but that’s just me. Everything else looks like the standard cookie cutter phantasm build with a bit of personal touch.
This is pretty much the same build I am running except with different traits. A few things I prefer differently (not saying its better as your build is good) I prefer the clones on dodge in the dueling the tree. Also the trait that killing illusions places conditions on your foes, as mobs and players always attack illusions at one time or another. I am rocking the mind wrack trait 20%cdamage just like you are, and I have the extra Crit on mind wrack, which I think I am actually going to switch because I am at about the same Crit level as you 45% so it’s now going to not make much of a difference for extra Crit on mind wrack. How is the extra damage on phantasms working out for you? I hesitate to spec into that because how easily they die and how often I end up Shattering (shattering for me does wonders and I get some great results in pvp and pve) usually keep phantasms up for a volley or 2 then shatter as they usually get wrecked by Aoe pretty quickly. I love mirror image an instant 2 clones is great for shatter/get away without using your abilities. And I use decoy which works well for me, and phantasmal defender, I tried signet of domination like you have and the stun is great, but the cool down kind of sucks, how’s it working for you?
Overall seems like a very good and solid build
Well the stuns are great for me because I only use them once in a while when I see an enemy getting around the half health mark, I stun > blurred frenzy normally takes them down!
And as far as the extra damage, I rely alot on the Phantasm damage so it really does add up in the long run. Plus the insane damage bonus I get to add to the Sorcerer because im spamming boons on enemies with Chaos Storm and the staff auto attack then switch back to sword and normally use the stun > blurred frenzy and making sure I always have all illusions/phantasm’s up and damaging!
I don’t usually use min rack etc, I want to keep my summons up as long as possible for constant pressure! Infact I sometimes go 5 games without using it… It does help though against thieves, seeing as I find killing them as fast as possible is necessary unlike other fight im so comfortable with the build I can pretty much control any 1v1 im in. And the health boost trait for my summons helps alot, and like you said they can die fast, so making sure they are constantly up by switching back and forth from staff and sword helps. Also I have magic bullet to stun, which has a relatively fast cooldown! And the fast deaths mean I like to get in as much damage with them as possible before they do die and I have to re-summon hence the + damage trait.
And yeah the stuns work fine for me, like I said I have come to such a comfortable stage with the build I almost never find my self in a situation where ‘Oh no I haven’t recharged that yet!‘… It’s almost like I subcontiously know everything about it haha.
Glad you like the build
I think sometimes I mix up the word phantasm with illusion in this post, my bad haha.
(edited by Vertix.5693)
Anyone complaining about our dueling potential right now is just being silly. I’d consider shuffling points from illusion and chaos to pick up phantasmal strength. If you’re doing structured you may also want to consider null field for your team depending on whose bring what. I prefer the sigils of air and earth over the crit chance personally but that’s just me. Everything else looks like the standard cookie cutter phantasm build with a bit of personal touch.
I realised I had done a bit of traiting wrong in the build! Ah im such an idiot… LOL I didn’t realize I did it too fast.
I edited it a little bit. Forgot I had illusion damage on instead of phantasmal damage :P
Well done for mentioning it!
Anyone complaining about our dueling potential right now is just being silly. I’d consider shuffling points from illusion and chaos to pick up phantasmal strength. If you’re doing structured you may also want to consider null field for your team depending on whose bring what. I prefer the sigils of air and earth over the crit chance personally but that’s just me. Everything else looks like the standard cookie cutter phantasm build with a bit of personal touch.
I realised I had done a bit of traiting wrong in the build! Ah im such an idiot… LOL I didn’t realize I did it too fast.
I edited it a little bit. Forgot I had illusion damage on instead of phantasmal damage :P
Well done for mentioning it!
I don’t think anyone can consider you an idiot the builds you post are pretty much always useful, that one had more survivability than someone running phantasmal strength I simply prefer more output in structured.
Anyone complaining about our dueling potential right now is just being silly. I’d consider shuffling points from illusion and chaos to pick up phantasmal strength. If you’re doing structured you may also want to consider null field for your team depending on whose bring what. I prefer the sigils of air and earth over the crit chance personally but that’s just me. Everything else looks like the standard cookie cutter phantasm build with a bit of personal touch.
I realised I had done a bit of traiting wrong in the build! Ah im such an idiot… LOL I didn’t realize I did it too fast.
I edited it a little bit. Forgot I had illusion damage on instead of phantasmal damage :P
Well done for mentioning it!
I don’t think anyone can consider you an idiot the builds you post are pretty much always useful, that one had more survivability than someone running phantasmal strength I simply prefer more output in structured.
Haha thank you! And yeah, it all varies I mean I can drop some traits for less survivability simply because I know how to use Blink so effectively now that it is like the ultimate life saver!
Vertix I’m right with you on the sword/pistol and staff chaos field is great for Boone and conditions, and I love magic bullet and blurred frenzy. Mesmer is great because you can have multiple playstyles you prefer to keep phantasms up and I have tons of clones and shatter every time it is off cool down. Good stuff.
I do agree anyone arguing about our dueling. Mesmers damage on combos maybe a lower than other professions, but there is a trade off we have great burst potential and stealth/clones to make up for it.
I feel mesmers are great where they are at and a solid profession.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Vertix I’m right with you on the sword/pistol and staff chaos field is great for Boone and conditions, and I love magic bullet and blurred frenzy. Mesmer is great because you can have multiple playstyles you prefer to keep phantasms up and I have tons of clones and shatter every time it is off cool down. Good stuff.
I do agree anyone arguing about our dueling. Mesmers damage on combos maybe a lower than other professions, but there is a trade off we have great burst potential and stealth/clones to make up for it.
I feel mesmers are great where they are at and a solid profession.
I mean… compare blurred franzy to say, Pistol Whip no one can talk of us having too much damage in that area. It’s pretty spread over everything in my build, even conditions!
I love the uniqueness of the Mesmer
Since we have a lot of PvPers in here and my main focus is on dungeons, do you feel that it would push us over the edge into Warrior land if Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration was an on demand ranged ability.
Currently the most fun I have in structured is a sword/Pisol Staff build that usually sticks to melee range for a quick burst with Mirror Images and Shatter and then switches to staff for Chaos storm to force them to back away from me or deal with Aegis and Daze spam.
What would it take to allow Mind Wrack to be allowed to exist as an on demand ranged AoE, say in the form of a trait like a Necro can do with their well.
I really would like a playstyle for PvE that’s as active as my PvP build while still being viable.
A arcing you have the exact playstyle as I do.
Little confused on the question do you mean a self ape that still shatters clones/phant or just a self pulse Aoe?
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Yeah I was a little confused…
What about using mind wrack, but it send all your illusions next to the targets, then they explode.
is that the sort of thing you want?
Yeah I was a little confused…
What about using mind wrack, but it send all your illusions next to the targets, then they explode.
is that the sort of thing you want?
That’s exactly what I’m craving, the little suicide bomber act leaves me wanting. When I first picked up this class and read shatter I expected it to be like a fingersnap. Someone running up the boxes in clocktower when they see a shatter coming and ruining my burst even when they’re out of dodges is just lame.
Yeah I was a little confused…
What about using mind wrack, but it send all your illusions next to the targets, then they explode.
is that the sort of thing you want?
That’s exactly what I’m craving, the little suicide bomber act leaves me wanting. When I first picked up this class and read shatter I expected it to be like a fingersnap. Someone running up the boxes in clocktower when they see a shatter coming and ruining my burst even when they’re out of dodges is just lame.
In that case I understand where your coming from! I think it would make the Mesmer just a bit more viable for PVE not that it isn’t already but it’s damage doesn’t tend to stack up from my experience to other classes…
That bug fix that cut phantasm health by 250% really hurt us for PvE :/