My massive money saving tip for high level players.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aluna Darklady.3165

Aluna Darklady.3165

One solution would be to have one free waypoint in each area. This way the players would still need to pay or walk if they wanted to get into the areas where the action is.

As I’ve already suggested, Tom, the obvious solution is to make the nearest waypoint a free ress from defeated. If you want to go anywhere else you have to pay…

Yes, I love this suggestion. :-)

~Mera Darklady~
Legion of Honour [XIII]

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


Saving is easy. Tell me how to make some.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: helladoom.4317


Seriously, what happens if you die when you have less cash than the fee to the nearest waypoint?

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cavalorn.3721


Good question helladoom. Btw, i think that travelling cost isn’t too much expensive, but i agree to make that free for the nearest waypoint.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: White Sun.9062

White Sun.9062

If you die and you don’t have the money on your person, it will then come out of your bank, if nothing is there you travel for free

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sisho.5431


It will also draw from your other characters as well. You have to literally have no money anywhere on your account to travel free on death.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acoustic Ninja.5021

Acoustic Ninja.5021

Hey I just had an idea to mix the scaling with non-scaling by having the waypoint cost scale until about 30 (when you unlock your elite and have assumably become accustom to the game) then stay at that price and increase with distance. I feel this might solve the problem of it costing too much at low levels and too little at high levels. Additionally, the level where scaling stops is up for debate.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Plus no one should be coming into GW2 not aware of the gem store. And therefore can’t whinge when things can be done faster with gem store purchases.

This is complete hogwash. Show me where I saw anything about gems on the page I bought the game via.

EXPERTS might know it. Perhaps most people SHOULD know it. It was NOT told you until after you bought the game.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


On the main issue this thread has become about: I understand why they need to have waypoints cost money while dead. It’s because otherwise people would use it as a free rez method.

While I wouldn’t want even the closest one to be free, half price for the nearest uncontested waypoint would be about right.

But, the travel expenses are absurdly high as they are. So, in addition to the above, prices need to come down to about 1/4 of what they are. They are a major hindrance to having fun as they are. At level 80, you only have two options: Walk or pay big bucks. I don’t like paying, so I walk as much as I can. But, that gets boring VERY quickly. I find myself equipping an IMS just so it takes less time.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadiki.7942


They need to, at least, ditch the minimum ~2s fee for teleporting. It can still scale up to 3.5s or whatever for teleporting across the world, but moving 2 feet to my right should start at 1c and work its way up with distance.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


Waypoint costs are excessive? Really?


80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


Best tip ever. Seriously, thank you.

The transportation costs for getting out of that hellhole Orr are absurd.

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My massive money saving tip for high level players.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solbrio.1902


Guess I’m totally in the minority here, because I think the prices for waypoints @ level 80 are fine. When I sell a -20 drop and get 20c for it, then yes, waypoints should cost less than 20c.

When I sell a level 70+ drop and gain 2+s for it, then the waypoint should reflect that increase.

Anyone stating otherwise is trying to “game” the system.