Mystic Forge Seems Useless
Sorry you’ve had bad luck with the toilet, but if you want a weapon you can use, you must first put in 4 weapons of that type, eg. Flushing 4 rare rifles will return another rare rifle (or an exotic one). Using 4 random weps/armor will just return a random piece of armor or a weapon. That being said, there is a chance you might get a precursor out of it.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
There are specific stuff you can put into the forge to get specific return.
I wouldn’t ever put random stuff in it, maybe only if you’re shooting for a precursor (gigantic maybe here).
if your putting 4 random items in you get 1 random item out, that means while in your mind a rare shield, rare rifles and some boots aren’t “random” all being stuff your profession can use, the forge see’s it as a random selection of items.
If you put in 4 rifles you’d get 1 rifle out, 4 shields, 1 shield out so on so forth.
Thanks for the tips…I’ll keep them in mind and give it another go.
It just seems odd that four random warrior items can yield a necromancer item.
Oh well…roll of the dice I guess.
Well if you think about it those are also engineer items. So what other people have said if you want to get a specific item back you have to put it four of those.
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Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown