Mystic Forge gave me Dawn! "What do I do"
use it. don’t sell. use it :P or trade for a dusk or a legendary weapon you want.
^and how would you suggest the trade be carried out?
if you want a legendary i’d say use it, if not sell it.
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group
So last night I got “Dawn” worth 250+ Gold when I only spent 76 Silver buying 4 Rare Greatswords! I know how lucky was I, but im clueless on if I should sell it or save for crafting a legendary!
Some say keep others say sell. If you can please give me a legit reason on what I should do with this weapon please post your opinion!
Put it back in and try for something better……
Give it away in a convoluted competition like a previous legend (er, whose name I can’t recall) of this forum did.
and do what you want with it. i’d say the item itself is harder to come by than gold is. so i’m not inclined on selling it. unless if selling it will give you the gold you need for various items you’ve been wanting. you can also trade it for other stuff or trade + gold if some are willing. obviously, trading it can be very risky, although it’s been done before.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Unless you do not use a greatsword, keep it and make your legendary down the road.
It seems that the precursors are by far the hardest part of the legendary to get.
Since the Mystic Forge loves you, you are almost obliged to make a legendary.
Seriously though, do what you want- it is yours
Some say keep others say sell. If you can please give me a legit reason on what I should do with this weapon please post your opinion!
Legendary weapons are essentially giant gold and time sinks. Just check out the Legendary Weapon page on the GW2 Wiki.
You’re looking at having to spend 120g in pure cash and around 350 Skill pts (depending on your Mystic Forge results). This doesn’t even get into the karma and material grinding, which is very large.
The only reason to make a Legendary using Dawn is because you have a Greatsword wielding character who likes the appearance and FX animations of Sunrise.
Otherwise I’d suggest trying to trade with someone to a different Legendary precursor weapon or just selling Dawn for the cash. I’d personally go with the cash because I don’t care about the “brag” factor of Legendary weapons, but everyone has different tastes in matters like this.
Question one you should ask yourself is if you want a legendary. Even with this part done it requires a huge amount of resources and therefore dedication to the game. If you played other games before you should be able to know how long you can stay dedicated.
Question two you should ask your self is if you need a legendary greatsword (my mains are an ele and an engineer, both don’t use greatswords). Personally I would make a legendary weapon I would use a lot.
If you want a legendary greatsword I would say to keep it. If not sell it and use the money for whatever else you want.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
“Mystic Forge gave me Dawn! “What do I do”
step 1 – rejoice
step 2 – come on the forums and make the rest of us drool
since you’ve done that, I can’t really decide what you should do with it.
myself, I would sell it.
well the weapons are going up so you can wait, but I have some guildies saying the market will crash in the near future
flaunt it like the beast you are for getting it!
You’re not obliged to do anything. Think about what you enjoy the most in the game. If the answer is ‘looking cool’, and you like how Sunrise or Eternity look, sure, try for the Legendary. But if you prefer doing things that cost gold (rolling alts, doing lots WvW, etc etc), don’t feel bad about selling it. You put exactly the same kind of risk into getting it as everyone else, you have nothing to compensate for.
LMAO …….OP said it is “worth” 250+ gold. I do not believe that is true. Just because other clowns list it for that much, does not mean they will find a clown that will pay that much.
LMAO …….OP said it is “worth” 250+ gold. I do not believe that is true. Just because other clowns list it for that much, does not mean they will find a clown that will pay that much.
they are definetly going for that price
I started writing a long text but then I decided to do this instead.
Have you ever heard about the “hot/crazy scale” from how I met your mother, If not check out here.
Imagine a reward/work scale instead and place Sunrise on this diagram.
Where is Sunrise now that you have the precursor?
Where was it before?
What else do you Want in the game?
Where is it on the scale?
Where would it be on the scale if you allready had 200g in your pocket?
I leave the rest to you.
Give it to me! I can’t seem to get anything to drop! :P
I’m in the same position as Op
I’ve been getting the materials together for Frenzy, the legendary harpoon gun, hoping that while i did so, maybe a better pecursor (lover) would drop and I could craft that instead.
Last night, while discussing exotic drop rates from forge, I bought 100 rare random weapons and combined them all to see how many exotics came out, one of 7 exotics that popped out was Dawn!
So I’m sat here, 30g and 160k karma away from the harpoon gun, which i didnt really want to craft anyway, and now I have dawn.
Should I go for Sunrise? It looks fantastic yes, but 100 charged lodestones and the underpowered nature of ranger greatswords putting me off.
Last I checked, dawn on tp was 330g, lover was 338g
Ask yourself if you like the legendary greatswords – Sunrise or Twilight.
If the answer is yes, and your character can use it (even if you make an alt to make use of it) I would save it and turn it into the legendary.
If you can’t be bothered gathering the rest of the components – you could sell it.
IMO this is a win/win situation. You can’t really lose at this point hahaha
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
:( Legndaries never drop for me