Mystic forge stones
Yes, they changed it so that putting in 4 level 80 items has a chance of returning an item of a lower level (as low as 75?). We have no idea why they changed this, and it’s been a pretty much universally disliked change, but it was supposedly the first in a number of yet to be implemented changes that will improve the forge.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.
Yeah, it’s not just the stone. It’s a fairly recent change to the forge. It’s pretty lame.
Nugkill on reddit recently posted about forging for pecursors after the MF update and said there is about a 9% chance of getting a level below 80 (looks like this is when promoting from rares), but that the chance of a precursor is still the same as before (also, now there is less chance of named exotics). this had nothing to do with the use of a forge stone.
2 forgings, you just got unlucky, but not incredibly so. getting 2 in a row was a 1 in 123 chance of happening.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)
it’s only an 11% chance to be less than 80? Dang that just made my luck seem terrible. I’m seriously not exaggerating, I thought it was more than a 50% chance to not be 80 with my results.
Well, RNG is RNG.