Mystic forge stones

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rink.6108


Hi guys,

I tried the mystic forge toilet and put in 3x 80 exotic and a mystic forge stone. Maybe half a year ago I always got a 80 exotic back, now I have gotten a level 78 exotic on two tries.
Is this a change in the droprates when forging with mystic forge stones only or does this new “random” outcome affect all mystic forge crafting and even if you put only 80ties in it you will not get a guaranteed lvl 80 item back?

Haven’t found that info anywhere, but I apologize, if it is already written somewhere.

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: serapheles.5409


Yes, they changed it so that putting in 4 level 80 items has a chance of returning an item of a lower level (as low as 75?). We have no idea why they changed this, and it’s been a pretty much universally disliked change, but it was supposedly the first in a number of yet to be implemented changes that will improve the forge.

The Random Number Gods are nothing if not predictable.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah, it’s not just the stone. It’s a fairly recent change to the forge. It’s pretty lame.

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


Nugkill on reddit recently posted about forging for pecursors after the MF update and said there is about a 9% chance of getting a level below 80 (looks like this is when promoting from rares), but that the chance of a precursor is still the same as before (also, now there is less chance of named exotics). this had nothing to do with the use of a forge stone.
2 forgings, you just got unlucky, but not incredibly so. getting 2 in a row was a 1 in 123 chance of happening.

(edited by Mystic.5934)

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: proviticus.4183


it’s only an 11% chance to be less than 80? Dang that just made my luck seem terrible. I’m seriously not exaggerating, I thought it was more than a 50% chance to not be 80 with my results.

Mystic forge stones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Well, RNG is RNG.