Necro Or Thief ? WvW & PvP
Play what you want, one of them isn’t going to be any better than the other at either task.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
I believe Thief is better for PvP, Necro can hold its own in WvW though.
The only way to know is trying yourself.
Often you’ll see people saying that this or that profession is better, but since not everyone is the same, a build that works perefectly for someone may not be the best choice.
Although I favor elementalists, I found that because of the way I move around and move the camera, and how I tend to pay more attention to things around me, I’m actually quite better with a mace-axe/hammer warrior in PvP than with an elementalist. But in WvW, I’m still better with a staff elementalist.
I go with a necro. I got more kills in WvW on a necro than on a thief. Thief is fun though but not that ‘tough’ to survive WvW carnages.