Necromancer minions need a buff

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Infernal Machine.2471

Infernal Machine.2471

Minions seem to die too easily even with the +50% health trait. (excluding the flesh golem) i think that the necromancer needs to have a utility skill that makes minions regenerate health, similar to how the ranger has Signet of the Wild. this would make minion master much more viable.

Signet of the Master
Passive: minions regenerate health over time
Active: heal your minions for X amount of Health

(edited by Infernal Machine.2471)

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: QQKachoo.2980


This could be useful but at the same time Minions for Necromancers have different utility than the minions/pets for a ranger. While I do agree they do die pretty easily but at the same time they serve a different purpose than the rangers pets.

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Twoflower.3176


(Not sure this makes sense in the ‘players helping players’ forum since it’s not a question for help, but…)

Minions healing up between fights would help a great deal. Once they get injured a bit there’s no reason to keep them around — pop them and resummon — but that takes a LONG time and slows you down a lot.

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: QQKachoo.2980


@Twoflower, I agree with the regeneration after fights for sure.

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucentdragon.3429


My necro’s bar is already full of utility skills…namely the minions themselves.I’d rather not see a utility added where I have to choose between the signet that makes my minions not suck as much,or having another minion.

What i’d rather see happen is for the vampiric master trait to be slightly altered.Right now it makes the minions drain life and transfer it to you.Which is great,and i like the trait.BUT…..why not make it so the minions leech life for themselves instead of giving it to you?

I already have more than a few tricks to heal myself or keep myself from taking too much damage…why not let our minions heal themselves on attack? it would make them a bit more survivable over time.Altho I imagine they would still die anytime a mob farts out a tiny AoE in their general direction it would help them to survive the little hits here and there,and maybe not be at 12% HP after a fight is over.Man that’s annoying.

Also,they should just regen HP like the flesh golem out of combat if they survive.

(edited by Lucentdragon.3429)

Necromancer minions need a buff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: blue p ranger.8132

blue p ranger.8132

The second staff skill helps keep the minions alive as it causes health regeneration and you can easily use that on the random small critters outside battles to regenerate health as well for a temporary work around