Need Exploring partners!!

Need Exploring partners!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sloth.8729


Well since this game isn’t completely solo-able like ANet claims, I was wondering if there is anyone out there who would like to team up to complete maps and/or personal story quests. I’m sitting in Diessa Plateau and some of the areas are just impossible to get because there are large pwnage mobs that spawn to quickly to solo, and the map is basically deserted.

Anyway, if you’re into exploring shoot me a PM and lets team up!!

Limitless |

Need Exploring partners!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Visear.7154


I’m on emhry bay but we can guest to different servers so if your up for it pm me in game. My fiancĂ© and I are pretty good at stealing loot chests from behind champion mob’s backs haha.

Learning to fly is easy. Just make sure you miss when you fall.

Need Exploring partners!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caelai.5321



Are you still looking for exploring partner? I also want to team up cuz it’s starting to get lonely leveling by myself. Problem is I’m very low level (level 16) mesmer, but if you still want to team up, let me know.